Chapter 12

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Michael took this time to inform Luke about why he had to come back and that if all else fails that he was willing to "fight Zayn" for the town. As Luke was listening to what Michael was telling him his phone was blowing up with messages from Ashton. "So let me get this right. You are going to challenge Zayn to a fight, for total control of the town. But why? He doesn't own the town?" Luke enquired. "Oh you didn't know what happened during the time that you guys were gone. Zayn just came walking in the club the one day and announced to all the vampires in the club that they all worked for him now. Especially since he is king of the vampires so he decided that he wanted this town as this was not part of his kingdom yet." Michael explained. As Michael was explaining, Luke looked very distracted. "What is distracting you, while I am talking to you?" Michael snapped at Luke. "Uh, um. Actually Ashton wants to talk. But I don't want to especially after everything that Calum's sister said. I don't know if he is our rouge vampire or not." Luke explained. "Maybe he is but you won't know until you let him explain everything first." Michael said trying to encourage his friend. "Fine. I will text him that we must go somewhere public. Then I will let him explain his situation or not. But if I don't believe him it's really over this time." Luke said irritated at the situation. He then texted Ashton back and received a text back saying: 'See you outside the club in 10min.' So Luke thought that the situation was going to play out at the club but he was wrong.....

As Ashton arrived at the club Luke was waiting outside for him. Ashton could see that Luke was irritated. He hoped that the situation of earlier was not part of Luke's mood. "Please get in so that we can get to our destination." Ashton insisted. Luke looked confused at Ashton, especially as he was asking him to get in the car with him. "I thought that we were going to chat in the club." Luke scolded. "I never said that we were going to talk there. You only said somewhere public. I have a public place booked, especially for a chat." Ashton insisted. They went to the next town. There Ashton took Luke to a fancy restaurant. That especially catered for vampires. Everything was extra bloody. When they arrived Luke was quite irritated with Ashton at the fact that Ashton was being so nice and didn't even tell him where they were going. When they left the town he got even more irritated as he thought that they would be going somewhere locally. But all of a sudden Ashton was being very romantic. Not that Luke did not like the fact that Ashton was going all out to impress him, it just felt like there was somewhat of a catch. When they entered the restaurant Ashton spoke to the host. " Reservations for Irwin." Ashton insisted. "Yes sir, this way." The host ushered them to a small reserved seat at the chef's table. "This is going to cost a fortune. And how did you get reservations here. It takes months to get in here." Luke asked Ashton curiously. "And how do you know this?" Ashton asked. "I have had to try and get a booking here for Michael at a stage before he started dating Calum. He was seeing an female vampire that he thought that he needed to impress." Luke explained. "So you still have not told me how you got this right. Not that I am not impressed but I am curious." Luke insisted. "Well let's just say it's my secret." Ashton insisted.

After they had their first course Ashton finally decided to tell Luke everything about what he had come to learn about himself and his father. "Luke I have brought you here to tell you something that might make or break our relationship. I hope that after this you will not want to leave me but if you do I will understand." Ashton said. "Okay, but I guess that I might need to tell you something as well. It also depends on what you want to tell me first." Luke insisted.

"You see I went to see Crystal after what happened at the club with Calum's sister. She told me that she had to tell me the truth about something as it is a curse that is shared between a father and his son. My dad 'aka' Zayn is a ripper. Meaning that there will be times when he has a black-out, but actually he is killing people or vampires and just doesn't care or remember that he did this. Apparently this is one the reasons why my mom left. She used to clean up his mess but got tired and scared when he tried to really kill her one day. The blood he had seen the day my mother left him was from a previous victim that my mom was trying to get rid of the body. But he had disfigured her face so my mom just dressed her up to look like her and left. That is why he thinks to today that she is dead. But apparently I have that ripper jean as well. And I might have been responsible for the murders this past while or it was Zayn as we are the only type of vampires to be able to change people to vampires but they have to have some of our blood in them when we kill them to turn." Ashton explained. "That is a lot to process. So you are telling me it may or not be you or Zayn that have been doing all of the killings?" Luke freaked out. "Yeah" Ashton shrugged. "But unfortunately a ripper can't be killed by the same way as normal vampires. They can only be killed by another ripper that has to actually rip their hearts out of their chests." Ashton went on to explain. "And Crystal told you all of this information only now?" Luke asked Ashton curiously. "Basically most of it. But some the information I knew from what the council also taught me. Oh there is one last thing that I forgot to add. Apparently the I will only go ripper mode when my emotions are heightened." Ashton said. "So when you get upset from a fight you might go ripper mode?" Luke asked freaking out. "Yes, I guess so that is what Crystal said. The reason she knows about all of this was because my mom apparently studied vampires in various ways. It vasinated her." Ashton explained. "Oh, I am sorry for being such an douchebag lately. It was just I was unable to properly process what Mali Koa had said about you. And you know that our time away was not the best time as I wanted time alone and you went there for information. So I acted like a brat which was wrong of me. Plus I did not even appreciate the fact that you brought me to this wonderful restaurant. I just wanted to fight but I can't. I miss you and have actually fallen for you." Luke said shyly close to tears. Ashton wanted to cry at Luke's confession. He knew that he was not the easiest guy to be around but he had also fallen hard for Luke since he saw him the first time in the club. And he always felt like he needed to make Luke a little bit jealous. "I love you too." Ashton said staring into Luke's eyes where he felt at home. They had decided to finish their meal and were going to leave when Luke realized that there was no bill. "How come the bill never came? Luke asked Ashton curiously. Ashton just smiled and said: " I told you, I took care of it. But was there not something that you were still going to tell me?" Ashton asked. "Oh yeah, shit. There is going to be major shit happening soon. Michael wants to fight Zayn for the town. Because when we were on our trip Zayn just announced to Club Teeth that he was in charge of the town now. And all the vampires work for him." Luke explained. "He can't do that." Ashton said. "I know, especially now after what you told me about Zayn being a ripper. He is going to get killed." Luke said freaking out as they got into the car. "I agree with that. But that is not what I meant. Zayn can't just claim the town like that. It is not his to have." Ashton insisted.

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