Chapter 12

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As the principal of the prestigious Gentle Academy, Khun Saint Suppaphong's position afforded him many luxuries. One of which included a spacious office that could comfortably accommodate six people.
Three times as many were currently standing or sitting in there, making the place feel cramped and stifling. Saint resisted the urge to tug at the collar of his shirt.

Fidgeting was a sign of weakness, and with so many heads of industry, titans of business and trust fund brats in the room, weakness wasn't something he could afford.

Khun Beer Siriphan, the head of twelfth grade, stood by Saint's desk looking every bit as uncomfortable as she felt. The reason for the mass of bodies in her usually spacious office was the ten missing students.

It had been three full days and there was still no sign of them, or their plane. Saint took comfort in the fact that no wreckage had been found. There was still a chance they were out there somewhere, alive and well. Saint drummed his nails against his desk as the parents all spoke over one another, all vying to be the loudest voice in the room.

At present, that voice belonged to Marian Mercado— the mother of Queenee Mercado and the CEO of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Southeast Asia.

"This is unacceptable!" Marian snapped, slamming her hand down on Saint's desk. She was pretty formidable for a woman who was barely five foot tall. "You are aware that our President is my daughter's godmother, aren't you?"

Saint was well aware of that fact. Marian had made sure to tell him on almost every occasion they had to meet. Saint fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Mrs. Mercado, I assure you, everything is being done to find your daughter."

"To find all of them." He added, looking at each person in the room in turn. "Your children are the best and the brightest of Gentle High Academy, and we are doing everything we can to find out what happened to their plane. The Coast Guard is out in force and the ATSB are carrying out a full investigation."

"That's right. I'm leading the team personally." Said the short man leaning against Saint's bookcase with his arms folded over his chest; Khun Chen, Heng's father. He worked for the Asian Transportation and Safety Board and had more than a dozen inquires in to aviation accidents and failures under his belt. "The plane's tracking signal was lost four hours in to the flight, and they disappeared from the radar five hours after that. We have an approximation of their last position, but the plane could have carried on traveling for much longer than that. We've narrowed it down to a two thousand square mile area-"

"Two thousand square miles?" Anne Austin's eyes widened in disbelief. "They could be anywhere! And what's this about the tracking signal being faulty? Are you saying there was a fault with the plane? What kind of company did the school hire, Khun Saint?"

Saint held his hands out as the room erupted in to chaos again. "Khun, please! Please! The firm we used has an excellent safety rating. No one could predict this would happen."

"Khun Saint's right, these things happen." Khun Chen said. "We don't know what caused the plane to go down, or even if it did. We're in the dark right now."

At the back of the room, Khun Aoom Malaiwong standing by the door,  quietly sobbed in to her hands. She'd been a wreck ever since she'd got the call about the plane disappearing. Irin was her entire world. She was all Aoom had.

Sunny Armstrong wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. They'd only met the day before, when all the parents had arrived at the school, but he knew she was the mother of one of Becky's friends. She'd want him to look after her. Besides, Khun Aoom was a farmer and he was a mechanic, they were the odd ones out in a room full of millionaires.

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