I am Jkw_batman

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My name is Jennica. The meanings of my nicknames :Batman is one of my nickames because i'm too serious for my own good,Gogo because of my adittute,Hotwing because my last name is Wing,Dad because I act like a dad according to my best friend I_am_luco_,Jenny just cuz and Jen because it a shorter version of my name.

I am 13! I was born on June 17th. I share a birthday with Kendrick Lamar and Jake Goodman.
Jake Goodman and me were born in the same year.

I'm an 8th grader when school starts.

My food and drink dislikes are jello , Lobster (I'm allergic to it)and skim milk.As I say skim milk is white water.Other than that I love all foods.

I play soccer and a little bit of basketball. I've been playing soccer since I was in kindergarten.
I usually play right or left wing and striker.I am and always will be a science\computer geek and a history know it all. I love cars and if you ask my friends about it they'll say I'm one crazy ass woman.I hate when people don't use proper grammar.

I live in Maine the northeasternmost state in the U.S.(northeasternmost means farthest northeast)Maine is known for our rocky coastlines,long maritime history,lobsters that people love so much and our blue berries.
Where also known for two celebrities Anna Kendrick and Patrick Dempsey.

I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers, I'm the youngest out of all of us.
I've been an aunt since age 7. I've got two nephews and a niece or nephew on the way. (A/N I'll update you guys when I know the gender of the baby)
People might think it's weird to have been an aunt since I was 7 but I'm proud to be an aunt.

My nephews mean the world to me from a cheeky little smile or just a small twinkle in their bright blue eyes.You know they may annoy me sometimes but I love them to the moon and back.Being an aunt is like a gift that unwraps itself when you first hold your niece or nephew.

In the future I hope to travel the world in little trips at a time.For a job I want to become a Game warden or Police officer.I want to help a community by being a cop and I want to help nature by being an Game warden.The two jobs are helping animals and people.The process of the everyday job of these to careers are amazing.

I have three dogs Roxie is a 10 year old Labrador, Kula is a 6 year old Dachshund and Winston is a 6 year old Dachshund.Kula and Winston are brother and sister.We got Kula and Winston from our local animal shelter.We saved Roxie from going to the pound when my Mimi died because my aunt couldn't take of her and I wasn't letting my mimi's dog to the pound.I love my dogs with all my heart and I couldn't ask for better dogs as pets.

I'm usually on wattpad,Instagram,Facebook or I'm reading a book.I love comic books(Marvel and Dc comics).I'm well educated on my super heroes.I could sit and read comic books for days on end.When it comes to facebook I'm only there for the games and talking to friends and family.Instagram is a whole different story I'm following over 370 people.I like almost every photo I see and post everyonce in a while.I have a twitter wasn't on at all but now I'm on 24/7.
My friends think I'm weird because I love the smell of new tires and burnt rubber from tires.

This was a little bit about me.

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