I met the Richardsons...(part three)

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Daniel's POV

Serenity had started crying and ran out of the room. I glared at the twins and ran after her. She was fast, real fast. But she had no clue where she was going in the mansion. I called her name but she wouldn't stop and I lost sight of her. I searched for her and found nothing, but an idea hit me, the twins, they could find her, and they were going to.

I walked back to their room and Axel sat in the doorway.

"Did you find her?" He asked.

"No..." One of the twins said.

"Yeah, I couldn't find her, but you two are going to find her for me."

"No, we will do no such thing…"

"Oh?" I said flipping the switch on their lights. They hissed and covered their eyes.

"Turn it off!"

"The light!

"Ah! Make it stop!" They screamed.

"Oh, you don't like that? We'll I don't like what you said to Serenity. Won't you find her for me?"

"Yes, just please turn it off!" They begged.

I turned off the lights and they came out and said that they were listening for her thoughts.

"She ran upstairs..."

"The third floor..."


"In Rachel’s room..."

"Rachel has noticed her, but Serenity has yet to notice Rachel..."

"Rachel is comforting her..."

"At the mention of you Rachel gets upset..."

"She thinks Serenity needs a girl-to-girl talk..."

"That you can't interrupt..."

"She's locked the door..."

"We'll be taking our leave now..." They said walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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