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Yeonjun looked down and quietly followed his father to his room carrying the suitcase.

DAD: You know since Steve is back, he'll try to take the company away from you through his son and I don't want that.

YEONJUN: Don't worry dad I'll never let him-

DAD: (rolls his eyes) It's not fucking as easy as it seems! There's only one solution.

YEONJUN: (hesitates) What is it?

DAD: Kill his damn son.


(ps- Yeonjun doesn't know Beomgyu is Steve's son)


Beomgyu groaned as soon as he woke up and looked at the time. It was weekend and he was glad he didn't have to go anywhere. He smiled to himself and was about to go back to sleep when he heard the bell ring.

'Ugh who the fuck!?' he mentally cursed at the person an got up to open the door. He widened his eyes upon seeing who was there.

BEOMGYU: Y-Yeonjun-?

Yeonjun came in on his own and locked the door behind them. He came close to the younger who looked surprised.

BEOMGYU: What are you doin-

However he was cut in between when Yeonjun smashed his lips onto Beomgyu's. He broke the kiss after a few seconds.

BEOMGYU: (looks down) Stop giving me these mixed feelings-

YEONJUN: I like you.(waits and looks at the younger who as playing with his fingers) I like you so much Beomgyu. I can't stop thinking about you at all. But I'm afraid my father will find out some or the other day.

BEOMGYU: Why are so afraid of him?!

YEONJUN: (bites his lip) You don't know him gyu- I know how terrible things he has done but still he's my father after all.

BEOMGYU: What do you want then?

YEONJUN: For now, we can just continue our relationship in secret, hm?

BEOMGYU: (stares at him in disbelief) What relationship, huh? We're just doing what you want! (raises his voice a bit) Does my opinion not matter at all!?

YEONJUN: I'm - I'm sorry-

BEOMGYU: I hate it Yeonjun! I hate the way you make me feel!

YEONJUN: I promise this won't happen again. (hugs him)

Beomgyu looked away still not over with his anger.

YEONJUN: uhm- Can I be your boyfriend?

BEOMGYU: Fucking yes!

Yeonjun stayed there for the night not wanting to go back to his mansion and face his father. He felt like he was finally getting the love he craved, ever since his mother died.

Yeonjun woke up first in the morning and smiled at the sleeping Beomgyu. He looked so flawless even while sleeping. The younger slowly opened his eyes as he felt someone is staring at him.

BEOMGYU: What are you looking at?

Damn even his deep voice sounds perfect.

YEONJUN: (smiles) My alluring boyfriend.

Beomgyu blushed slightly and got up from the bed secretly smiling at Yeonjun's words.

YEONJUN: I'll go now!

BEOMGYU: What? (pouts)

YEONJUN: (kisses his forehead) Don't worry babe I'll come later to take you our first date. (winks)

BEOMGYU: I'll be waiting ( smiles)


Yeonjun stepped inside his house hoping no one was inside. He didn't want to ruin this feeling he had when he was with Beomgyu.

DAD: You're here.

'ugh why are you here!?'

DAD: I wanted to give you the information about Steve's son. (hands him some papers) You have one week. Kill him or- (smirks) you know what will happen.

Yeonjun nodded and sighed, going up towards his room. He didn't want to kill that person but he knew his father very well and what he would do if his orders are unfinished.

He dropped the papers on his bed and went to work without opening them for now.

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