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Izzy: I'm just gonna...

Izzy changed everyone's names

Ilovebombs: ahahahahaha

Twink: Hey! Why is mine twink!!

Gay: hi
Gay: ...
Gay: I LIKE GIRLS!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

EmoTrentSimp: .

Duncansfuturebf: .

SarcasticTwink: Whatever.

Burger: I like this name!!

SarcasticTwink: Of course you do.

Gay: I don't!! I like girls!!!

Blondie: Who is gey? Is that table top?

Twink: TABLE TOP?!?!

Ilovebombs: Hhahsjakwdhamwihalql

Animallover: hello :)

SurferGirl: hello DJ!

Partydude: Wap

SurferGirl: GEOFF STOP

EmoCourtneylover: I'm not emo.
EmoCourtneylover: Also um.. Geoff?

SurferGirl: Geoff and Brody keep doing the wap.

C.I.T: ...

Partydude: Wap

SarcasticTwink muted Partydude for 10 minutes

SurferGirl: Thanks Noah

SarcasticTwink: Whatever.

Idk what this chapter even is anymore.

Ok that's it

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