XIII - Dublin

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She was uncomfortable. It was clear to her that she was not supposed to accept the invitation but here they were. She stared at her twin who was clearly ignoring her. 

She didn't think she would end up in this mess. Worse, she didn't even realize she would end up seeing someone so familiar and yet she could not figure out where he seen him. But that nagging feeling was clear within her, and it was clearly not helping when he was literally looking back at her. 

Could he hear her heart racing? It was possible, seeing as he was clearly not human. He was clearly far from it. Lycan. Yes, Lycan, that obvious enough. But he was no ordinary Lycan either. It was clear to anyone he held himself quite differently...

It reminded her of the history of their kind...wait what did he say his name was?


It hit her like a ton of bricks. She and her sister were literally sitting there with the royal children. Instead of feeling weirded out, she felt...fine. Like their titles meant nothing to them. But she still could not shake that feeling she have of him.

 The familiarity was clearly making her want to question where they met. But she knew she had to keep that part quiet. Not because she wanted people to know but because, she was scared her sister might tell their parents. 

Still, could he really hear her heart racing each time she stole a tiny glance his way? She thought about it while looking at anything else but him. Yet, she could feel his gaze against her skin. Like a sudden bolt of electricity was circulating within her. 

She knew she was blushing because when she stole another glance at him, he could see a small faint smile forming. But he was not looking at her, no, he was looking at someone else. The girl who introduced herself as Leila.

For some reason, that bothered her.

"Um" She tried to make small talk, but it would seem her sister was busy trying to look at what to order, and the new friend they made, Rillianna was looking in her direction. She knew that look anywhere.

"I'll have what my sister is having. So it won't be a bother."

"You're not a bother." He said which made her look at him. Big mistake. He was looking at her. His gaze was literally trailing her body as if he was caressing her with his eyes.

"Not a bother at all. Order anything you wish. My treat." He said continuing before turning his attention back at the woman beside him. Which made her blood boil with rage. She didn't understand why she would be jealous of her holding his arm. 

"Um excuse me, I need some air." She said as she pushed her chair back, getting up and taking her leave before anyone in the table could say a word. 

She just needed a place to let out something she didn't understand. But she was lying to herself. She knew what she was feeling, but refused to acknowledge it. So off she went strolling somewhere else before anyone could follow her. 

Wolfe - Darcy & Dublin's BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now