Chapter 15 - World War III:

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Chapter 15 - World War III:

When I woke up again, we were still traveling home in Ben's car and wasn't quite sure how much time had passed since I had fallen asleep. One thing which I was sure of though was that I was safe; that Ben would look after me as much as it may pain him to do so, I knew that deep down he had to still care about me. At least, I hoped he did.

My head was still as sore as when I had fallen asleep, and with my now dry mouth, I instantly regretted falling asleep at all, I mean I had probably been snoring for who knows how long. How embarrassing.

Yet, my whole body still ached and longed for sleep, but yet I had to fight it. I would be home soon and while I knew the best cure for being drunk was to sleep, if this is the beginning of how my hangover felt, then I'm not sure I want to fall asleep again.

Although my eyes were hazy as I woke up from my not so deep sleep, I could have sworn that for a second, just a brief moment, when I glanced at Ben that his eyes were filled with compassion, that it almost looked like he actually cared. Ben was showing human emotion.

I knew at this point that he could change again in a moment's notice, but for that split second, I knew Ben cared about me.

But that wasn't to last.

As I attempt to blink away the sleep which weighted heavy in my eyes, I noticed a startling change in Ben's eyes also. In the short time it had taken me to shut my eyes and open them again, the expression on his face had changed.

Gone was the caring and concerned look which had once lit up his face when I had woke up, replaced now with a look of pure distain, disappointment and disgust, etched deep into his eyes. I had never seen him look so...hurt before.

He didn't look angry, heck if I didn't know him well enough I wouldn't have thought anything was up, but it was clear that there was. Deep down inside I could tell that something was unsettling Ben and that he had something to say.

"Ben, what is it?" I attempt to ask him as the words tumble from my mouth before I have time to process what I am actually saying.

For what seemed like an eternity Ben simply continued staring out the window in front of him, gazing into the blackness of the nights sky as if in search of answers he was never going to find.

He sighed as he said, "I don't want to talk about it..."

"But Ben, please you can trust me and talk to me, just like old times"

"Old times?" came his exaggerated reply as he sighed and chuckled all at the same time, "Times have changed Samantha"

Samantha, that's when I could tell he was pissed off.

"Is everything okay? Did something happen at the party?" I ask him, question after question bouncing off my tongue.

"I don't want to talk about it"


"I said I don't want to talk about it" he replied, his voice booming and harsh as the car slightly quickened up under the weight of his foot.

I wanted to know what was bothering him, for some strange reason I still cared about Ben and wanted to help him out, no matter what it was. I guess that I always looked for the good in people; perhaps there is an advantage of not being one of those stuck-up cheerleaders after all.

"Well, you know I am here if you ever want to talk about it Ben" I assure him. Sure I am a drunken mess right now; my head hurts, talking cuts my throat and opening my eyes stings like hell, but I wanted to help Ben, I truly did.

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