━━ iv. spilling a secret

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chapter 4 — spilling a secret{ 2x03 - Make me lose control }

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chapter 4
spilling a secret
{ 2x03 - Make me lose control }

GETTING UP BEFORE WORK without a cappuccino and a cigarette will never be Rubys lifestyle. Getting up and go on a jog? Well, that was hell. Ruby was pretty sporty and all that but she had no stamina. So when Meredith and Cristina were in her room in sports attire she knew there was no way of declining. As she made her way down the stairs Ruby noticed a weird feeling in her stomach as if something was about to happen. But she just shrugged it off as hunger.

Ruby and Meredith were some feet away from Cristina. As they realized that she was falling behind they both jogged back to her.

„Oh you're stupid. Oh God. You're stupid, evil, sadist and I wanna kill you. Ruby you have a cigarette lung how are you not out of breath."

Ruby just smirked and sped up.

„Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better." They all came to a stop and the korean woman held her side.

„Well I don't feel better, I just wanna smoke.." Ruby said ready to fish out her cigarettes. With mint of course.

„Oh god. Do you feel better?" She directed her question towards Meredith who just continued to jog in circles around her friends.

„I'm stupid."

„Slutty mistress."

„Pregnant whore."

They both looked to Ruby. „Nasty
addict." She just held up her middlefinger in response.

„Sleeping with our bosses was a great
idea." Meredith stopped to catch her breath. She purposely walked over to Ruby, took the cigarette and threw it on the ground.

„Bitch!" She just lightened another on.

„You know what's ruined for me?"

Cristina groaned in pain. „Ah?"

„Ferry boats. I used to love ferry boats and Derek's got a thing for ferry boats. Now every time I see a frigging ferry boat..." She was cut off by Cristina.

„You know what's ruined for me? Coronary artery by-pass grafts ... and aortic aneurysms. God I used to love aortic aneurysms."

„And I can't even be in an OR with him, all of these neurological surgeries— I can't operate anymore. The other neuro attending is an asshole! He is trying to get in my pants and this dude is like 60!"

The girls laid down on the grass.

Meredith looked at her friend. „Have you cried yet?"

„Hello? Do you think we'll feel better if we cry? You know like just let it out?"

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