Chapter 8: The Rat

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The light of the sun shines through my window directly onto my face. I tried to turn away from the blinding glow, eventually giving into the discomfort of waking up. I really was exhausted from yesterday. Sleep was the only escape from the repeating memories. Miguel-63 rejecting me after deliberately not showcasing my great schoolwork, and spider Miguel showing up in my room unannounced, being really rude, and then leaving without clear explanation. Not to mention the severe accident I had to help with last night. Nothing is making much sense these days.

Who was I kidding keeping my crushes on both Miguels. They seem incredibly emotionally unavailable, or just seriously not into me in any way. That's the only logical explanation for their behaviour. Not to mention Miguel threatened me not to interact with Miguel-63 anymore because of the problems it would cause to the cannon. This was a rule I wasn't aware of previously, but its incredibly important to me to prevent any and all anomalies, especially if they were to appear in my world. Perhaps moving on from Miguel-63 wouldn't be such a bad idea. It hurts to think about, but he clearly didn't accept my advances and pushed me away. I'm not going to spend my free time chasing after someone who doesn't want me.

I reach for my phone charging by my bed to check the time. Shit! Did I actually sleep in this late?! Even if I ran out the door in my underwear, I still wouldn't make it to class before it finished. I grabbed a long sleeve shirt and a pair of leggings I had laying around. I couldn't be bothered to put makeup on. A quick brush of the hair, and some moisturizer is good enough. My notes and laptop were still in my bag from yesterday. I grabbed everything I need and ran out the door jogging to the nearest subway station.


When I got to school, I checked the time on my phone again to be sure I would at least make it for the next class. Thankfully I had time. The morning class was Miguel-63's class. It feels awkward to have missed it, but I'm confident I didn't miss anything important. Charlie will fill me in on the lecture anyways. Since me and Charlie have the same class afterwards, I ran to Miguel-63's class to meet her when the lecture was over.

After a couple minutes, students began leaving the lecture hall. Charlie was one of the first out of the class.

"Oh hi! Did you sleep in?" Charlie pointed to my face, teasing the obvious lack of makeup. I smirked.

"Yeah. We didn't do anything important did we?" I asked, an edge of panic in my voice.

"Oh no. The slides are posted online so you can catch up with those." Charlie reassured. I let out a sigh. Before we could walk to our next class, I caught a glimpse of Miguel-63 leaving the classroom. He shot a glance at me. I glanced back, but only briefly before looking back to Charlie. If Miguel-63 didn't want me then I wasn't going to entertain his attention, not even prolonged eye contact.

Charlie and I started towards our next class. She started planning another weekend outing since she thought the last time was so fun. She wanted to go to the same bar as before to try and find Miguel-63 again. Classic Charlie. She immediately invited me to come along since I was so good at finding the professor. At this point I didn't know how to respond. I don't mind having a night out with friends, but it would be best for me to avoid Miguel-63. I know who's watching my every move. I don't want things to get awkward for me with the Spider Society.

"What's wrong?" Charlie immediately noticed my concerned look. Either that or she noticed my hesitation.

"Oh um...I'm not sure if I'm available this weekend." Considering the look on Charlie's face, I could tell my lie was transparent to her.

"Girl, I know you. I know you study in your free time, but we don't have any tests coming up so what would you be studying for." She asked bluntly.

"Okay you're right I'm not busy." I admitted. Charlie and I were standing in a somewhat crowded space. I noticed an empty hallway close to us. I gently grab Charlie's hand and pull her to the hallway. I resume the conversation in a quiet tone. "I feel kind of...weird about going out just to see Professor O'Hara."

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