Season 1 Episode 4:The Test

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I don't own Naruto, DBZ or either of their characters.

It was 4:50 and Satsuki and Sakura arrived at the clearing with backpacks on them. When Sakura saw Satsuki, she perked up a little from her drowsiness and said

Sakura:Morning Satsuki-san.


She took off her backpack, putting it on the ground and leaned on a tree. Then Sakura looked around and said,

Sakura:Huh? Menma isn't here yet. Where is he? He's going to be late.

Menma:I'm here.

She and Satsuki jumped and looked up seeing Menma up in the tree that Satsuki was leaning on.

He landed on the ground with a backpack on him.



Sakura:M-Morning. H-Hold on. How long have you been up there?

Menma:Since 4. I wanted to get an early start on training myself for our mission with Kakashi-sensei then rested a little on the branch. Until somebody woke me up.

He started at Satsuki dully and the girl just put her hands in her pants pocket and rolled her eyes.

Menma:Anyway, I have something for both of you.

He opened his bag and took out two packs each with three sandwiches in them.

Menma:Here. For you to eat.

Sakura:B-But Menma! Kakashi-sensei said-

Menma:I don't care what she said. If I have a mission, then I have to eat before that. I need the energy. And so do you.

He threw the sandwiches to each of them and he said,

Menma:Now eat.

The two girls looked at him with confusion and were about to reply. But...


...their stomachs rumbled. They blushed and began eating. Menma shook his head at them and sighed.

Then he went into his backpack and took out two water bottles and gave one to each of them thanking him and he nods.

After Sakura and Satsuki have finished eating, Menma took the trash and stuffed it in a plastic bag and then in his backpack.

They waited for over 5 hours. It was 10 and Kakashi was nowhere near to be found. Menma was on the ground meditating, Satsuki was leaning on a tree with her arms folded and Sakura was sitting on the ground.

Then Kakashi finally came in a shunshin and said,

Kakashi:Morning everyone.

Naruto, Sakura and Satsuki:You're late.

Kakashi:...Aha, sorry. You see a black cat crossed my path and I...

The young woman saw the deadpanned looks on their faces. They were not buying that.

Kakashi:...Uhhh. Ahem! Anyway, this is your mission.

She took out two bells from her pants pocket.

Kakashi:These two bells. Try to capture them from me before the time is up. The one who doesn't collect a bell from me will be tied up to a tree while the other two eat lunch.

Sakura and Satsuki were now more grateful to Menma that he had given them something to eat before Kakashi came.

Kakashi:Also, that same person that gets tied up will be the one to get sent straight back to the academy.

Z-Warrior Of The Elemental NationsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora