After a couple weeks in Liberio Y/n settled into the new normal. It was refreshing and relaxing.

She and Porco both had duties to fulfill with the military but still got to return home each day and wake up together every morning.

Porco's training kept him working late some nights but that didn't stop them from spending their free time together.

The pair walked close together through the courtyard in HQ.

"It's weird right? That we're all meeting like this?" Porco started.

His face was twisted in confusion.

"It is." She frowned.

Zeke had alerted them to a meeting in his office early that morning.

Y/n knew exactly what this was. Zeke and Colt had attended a meeting with the highest ranking military officials during their stop in the Capital before returning to Liberio.

He'd let it slip that Marley aimed to conquer Paradis once and for all.

She'd hoped nothing would come of it but with the announcement of this meeting she knew it couldn't be true.

Porco pushed open the door to Zeke's office, holding it open for Y/n.

"Ah, Y/n. Galliard. I'm glad you made it." Zeke greeted the pair.

He set a tray of fresh tea onto the table in the middle of the room.

Pieck, Reiner, and Colt were already there, seated around the table.

"Why are we all meeting in your office Zeke? And where's the brass?" Porco asked directly.

He sat in an arm chair at the end of the table and Y/n sat on the armrest next to him.

"They're not in the room with us. Can't we just gather for some tea?" Zeke replied.

A chill ran up Y/n's spine.

"Not here in the room with us, eh?" She thought to herself.

"Sure." Porco answered skeptically.

"Now then, the battle at fort Slava made it clear that conventional weapons are advancing fast. They'll soon be stronger than titans. That's bad news on two fronts." Zeke began.

Y/n frowned.

"You'll all lose your tactical value as Marley loses her strength." She added.

"Y/n is precisely correct, as always. This is a threat to the Eldian race as a whole. The only solution is to capture the founder and its power as well as the resources on Paradis. Before that can happen the world must be reminded of the horrible threat that island poses to us all and every good story needs a narrator." Zeke continued.

He walked closer the table and set down a photograph.

It pictured a group of wealthy looking people. Y/n recognized them in an instant.

"The Tyber family." Zeke stated confidently.

"They're the keepers of the Warhammer titan, is that right?" Colt asked.

"Yeah, but the Tyber's have never once used the Warhammer against an enemy state. They're known as the family that drove off king Fritz in the great titan war. They're not hated like most Eldians." Pieck explained to Colt.

Her voice was tired and lazy. She lay stretched out on the sofa next to the table. She was clearly still recovering from her several month stint as the Cart.

"If we speak through the Tyber's, the world will hear us out." Y/n pointed out.

Zeke smiled brightly. They were all catching on to what he was saying.

Jaws ~ Porco Galliard x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now