Chapter 14

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Satsuki woke up with a groan, to find herself somewhere she wasn't familiar with. She immediately sat up and looked around alert.
She could've sworn she heard Naruto's voice before she passed out, but more importantly ...
He had placed her under a genjutsu, one that revealed many things about their clan, the council, and even up to the clan massacre.
She felt tears running down her face again. She didn't know whether to believe, but she was leaning towards believing that the genjutsu was actually the truth.
"Oh, you're awake"
She turned to see Naruto walk in.
"Where ... am I?" she asked a bit confused.
"In my house, you probably don't remember anything that happened yesterday" Naruto replied sitting across her.
"Naruto I ... I ... saw things, some pertaining to the leaf village, and Danzo, and then truth to the Uchiha massacre"
Naruto listened with interest, and his eyes glowed at hearing Danzo's name.
He too had done his own digging around, and found out quite alot about the stoic elder, most pertaining to his underground anbu division, and his involvement in various mishaps in the village.
"If it's not too personal, would you please tell me what you saw?" he asked. Satsuki nodded, she could trust him enough to tell him.
She told him all she could remember, some parts were fuzzy, but Naruto got the message. The Uchiha were planning a coup, and Danzo getting a whiff of this capitalized on it.
He pulled out a scroll from under his bed, and showed it to her.
"That's not the only thing that cyclops has done. He was also involved in a lot of things, most notably the attack on Konoha the day old man Hiruzen died"
Satsuki read the scroll, her blood boiling at the thought that the man was still alive.
Naruto suddenly asked a question.
"Are you going to get revenge on the village, or Danzo?"
"What do you mean?"
Naruto cleared his throat and continued.
"No offense, but you Uchiha tend to lose sight of everything for the sake of revenge. I'm just trying to make sure you're only after Danzo, as guilty as the leaf village is, most of those people are dead, and the rest are innocent. I don't plan on letting you harm anyone other than Danzo and his root"
Satsuki sighed and pushed the scroll into his lap.
"Those innocent people made YOUR life a living hell. Why protect people who despise you? You know what they put you through, so why are you defending them?"
Naruto paused, and looked down.
"I'm not sure, but still ... I'm willing to put it behind me. I know what I went through when I was younger, but it doesn't mean I have to see the negative side of it. They do deserve to suffer for what they did, but I'm not the one to pass judgement on them, neither are you"
They both sat in tense silence for a while, Satsuki's eyes were red and spinning, glaring at Naruto. Naruto sighed and put his hand on hers.
"Don't worry about me. Each of us has our battles to fight, I appreciate the concern, but I'll manage"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure" Naruto said nodding reassuringly.
How could Naruto be so forgiving?
Even after all the things he went through when he was younger, but he was her friend, and she would respect his decision.
"Okay then ... About Danzo" she began. Naruto's smile vanished immediately being replaced with a serious look.
"He's got to go" he agreed.
Back in the leaf village, Tsunade wasn't faring well after her friends death. Though her work as the Hokage mostly kept her busy, she still had thoughts of what could've been if she had denied his request to go after the Akatsuki.
Alas, she couldn't change what had happened already.
It had been relatively quiet in the leaf village, and Naruto's whereabouts were unknown. He had disappeared since the news of Jiraiya's death.
What they didn't know was that the peace and quiet would soon be broken.
Satsuki followed Naruto through the streets at night. They were heading towards Danzo's root base.
Naruto suspected that the man was well aware of his plans for him.
Satsuki used a powerful genjutsu to disable two of the root anbu guards and they snuck in. Her eyes were spinning wildly, imagining everything she'd do to Danzo.
Naruto put a hand on her shoulder.
"Good luck in there. I'm sure you can handle things without me"
Satsuki hugged him and smiled.
"Thank you. I'll be okay"
Her kind demeanor vanished as she stepped into the compound, her sharingan scanning for any movement.
As soon as she reached the middle she was surrounded by root anbu.
"You're intruding, Satsuki Uchiha. We will not let you harm Lord Danzo" one said.
Satsuki powered through the base with deadly precision, dispatching Danzo's elite Root ANBU one by one. Her skills, honed through years of training and fueled by a desire for vengeance, proved too much for the unsuspecting defenders. Her Sharingan blazed with intensity as she moved through the shadows, leaving a trail of defeated enemies in her wake.
As she ventured deeper into the heart of the base, the oppressive aura of Danzo's influence became more noticeable. Still she pushed on, finally she stood before the imposing figure of Danzo Shimura, the mastermind behind her clan's suffering. His cold, calculating eyes met hers, and a sinister smile played on his lips.
"Ah, another Uchiha seeking revenge. How predictable" he sneered.
Satsuki wasted no time. With a swift motion, she unsheathed her katana, the blade gleaming in the dim light. The air crackled with tension as the two adversaries faced off. Satsuki's Sharingan spun even faster as she prepared for the inevitable clash.
Danzo, not one to underestimate his opponents, signaled his remaining Root ANBU to encircle them. The tension in the room escalated, and the impending battle hung in the air like a storm ready to unleash its fury.
The exchange of blows was swift and relentless. Satsuki moved with a grace that belied her deadly intent, dodging Danzo's attacks with calculated precision. However, she soon realized that defeating him would require more than just skill; it would demand everything she had.
She hated him, but couldn't deny his power, especially as he revealed his sharingan riddled arm. Satsuki was absolutely disgusted, and kicked him away.
"You sick bastard!" she roared slicing off his head. However Danzo used a secret jutsu, at the cost of a sharingan to revive himself.
"The Izanagi, quite useful, though it comes with a price. I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into girl"
Danzo said smirking. Satsuki kept on her relentless attacks, killing Danzo as many times as she could - though he didn't make it easy. Her stamina was draining fast, the sharingan was pulling too much from her chakra reserves as well. She still pressed on, until Danzo realized he was down to his last eye. He resorted to commanding his root to step in. Satsuki was determined, but the numbers were too much for her to keep up with.
In a moment of desperation, as Danzo unleashed a barrage of jutsu, Satsuki tapped into the deep well of power within her. Channelling her grief and anger, she awakened the legendary Susanoo. The ethereal warrior materialized around her, its immense form casting a protective shadow. Danzo crawled back in fear, and shock.
"H-how? How did you get this power?!"
With newfound strength, Satsuki pressed the assault, her Susanoo clashing with Danzo's formidable techniques. The battlefield became a spectacle of power and destruction as the two forces collided.
In a final, climactic clash, Satsuki overpowered Danzo, bringing him to his knees. The air hung heavy with the weight of history, and Satsuki's gaze bore into the man responsible for her clan's demise. As the Susanoo's blade descended, justice was served, and the Uchiha's long-awaited revenge was complete.
The moon continued to witness the aftermath, casting its pale light on a changed landscape. Satsuki, burdened by the legacy of her clan, stood amidst the ruins of Danzo's base, a silent testament to the cost of vengeance.

The Akatsuki had begun to hasten their movements, lately a lot of things had gone south for them. Hidan and Kakuzu were long dead, so was Deidara and Sasori, and recently Itachi, and Kisame who was killed by Naruto.
Pain was already on edge, especially as Obito's plan to recruit Satsuki had failed. The Akatsuki were already desperate enough to readmit Orochimaru into their ranks. Right now it was only he, Konan, Obito, Zetsu and Orochimaru.
They had already collected most of the tailed beasts, except for the eight and nine tails. However currently Naruto Uzumaki posed the largest threat, and had to be neutralized before he became even stronger.
"What do you suggest we do?" Konan asked.
"Madara and Orochimaru will go after the eight tails in the Lightning Country" Pain responded.
"And what will you be doing?" Orochimaru asked raising an eyebrow.
"I and Konan will go after the nine tails jinchuriki. It is time to take the tailed beasts, and fulfill the moon eye plan. From their sacrifices, a world of peace will be created"

A/N : I really hope you liked this chapter. I apologize if it seemed rushed, but schools back in session and I have a lot to do this semester. I will try my best to update this story whenever I can - though I may start uploading a new story I just finished working on. Happy new year in arrears, and thank you again 🙇

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