Chapter 13

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Both siblings stood facing each other in silence, until Itachi spoke.
"Have you gotten enough hate?"
"More than enough to kill you with" Satsuki responded as her eyes turned red. Itachi seemed to smile, but immediately ducked as she began the fight. He was very surprised by how fast she closed the distance between them, and the force behind her kick.
He jumped back as she released a lightning jutsu that covered a wide area. They both instinctively weaved hand signs and shot out huge fireballs at each other, but again Itachi didn't have time to gain his bearings as Satsuki flew through the explosion and landed an axe kick on Itachi who brought up his hands to block. He then grabbed her foot and slammed her into the ground, but she poofed into smoke. He was caught off guard as a sword went straight through his gut, and he coughed out blood.
Satsuki grinned maniacally she pinned him to the floor.
"Looks like my hate was strong enough"
Itachi, despite his predicament chuckled, and then to Satsuki's surprise burst into a murder of crows, but not before slowly pointing her in a specific direction.
Her eyes widened as the real Itachi was sitting with his legs crossed, an unimpressed look on his face. She growled in frustration, wondering just when she had been put under a genjutsu.
"It seems you're still not there yet, little sister"
"I don't want to hear anything from you!" she snapped back.
Itachi got up and slowly made his way towards her.
"You understand this is going to be the end for one of us"
"Don't get it twisted Itachi. You're the one who's meeting his end today" Satsuki hissed as her skin began to change color.
"The curse mark"  Itachi thought to himself. Her eyes also took a yellowish tint, and he could feel the snakes power rushing through her.
He blinked, as his eyes stung. His vision wasn't the best, but he had to hold out for just a little longer.
However that momentary lapse in concentration was the opening Satsuki was looking for, and she blitzed at him with a chidori, but he dodged reflexively much to her annoyance. Her hits were definitely stronger as Itachi registered, he tried to hide it, but he was proud of her. She had gotten so much strength, and more impressively she didn't lose herself in darkness and hatred - most likely because of a certain blond.
He was kicked back into a wall, and stared in awe as she raised her arm and in the sky a giant lightning dragon appeared. His eyes began to spin as a smile grew on his face.
"Thank you Naruto"
As the dragon crashed into him with a loud explosion, Satsuki watched in shock as in the resulting destruction Itachi was completely fine. Nothing happened.
"Already doubting yourself? I thought you were going to kill me?" Itachi asked as his eyes had changed forms.
Satsuki rushed at him again, but this time Itachi also rushed at her. His aura had completely changed, and she was struggling to keep up with him.
Was he holding back all this time? That thought infuriated her. All her training, all she had gone through and she was still not strong enough.
She began to tap into even more of the curse mark further mutating her physical appearance. She now had long, arm-like appendages protruding from her back, and the black flame marks on her face glowed as they spread across her body.
Itachi kicked her very hard, which sent her flying back down as she had jumped after him. He was then hit by one of the appendages as he was sent through the ceiling and onto the roof.
He paused and looked around, not sensing her, but then suddenly the ground below him burst open as a fireball was shot from below, he dodged it, but then had to dodge another, and a third as they flew past him into the sky. Satsuki jumped onto the roof and weaved hand signs again.  Itachi followed same as they breathed out huge gusts of flames at each other.
As the flames battled for dominance, Itachi closed his right eye, and a small streak of blood fell slowly from his eye.
A burst of black flames completely are up all the fire and making Satsuki to jump clear. The heat coming off it was absolutely insane. Itachi turned towards Satsuki and again the black flame erupted behind her, she began to run trying to avoid it, but the flames kept following her movements. It eventually caught up to her, as one of the appendages on her back caught on fire, and she screamed in pain.
Itachi approached her as the flames died down, but as he bent to touch her she deflated and turned to a pile of white sludge. The sludge fell into a crevice in the floor, and there he saw Satsuki standing relatively unharmed.
Itachi doubled over in a coughing fit, as blood leaked out of his mouth, that was when he noticed something. The sky was getting dark.
Satsuki jumped out, with a viscous smirk as lightning began to amass in the sky. Itachi recognized it as the jutsu she used earlier, but it was far stronger this time.
"Disappear with the thunder. Kirin"
The dragon roared and charged at a stunned Itachi who was motionless.
As it exploded it levelled the entire rooftop, and flew away the black flames that were still burning. However her eyes widened in disbelief, as the dust cleared she saw a giant, red, warrior - like contruct, with Itachi safely in the middle.
"You did well little sister, but unfortunately that's not enough"
As he said this he coughed out even more blood, and Satsuki continued attacking. She threw everything at Itachi, but the construct surrounding him was too powerful. Itachi kept moving forward, not phased by anything she threw at him. Satsuki was on her last legs. The curse mark had long since been exhausted, and she was low on chakra. Was this it? Was this how she was going to die?
There were many things flashing before her as Itachi made his way towards her. Her promise to herself, and to her friends. Unknowingly a few tears escaped her eyes, just as Itachi was right in front of her.
He stretched out his hand towards her, but she did nothing, frozen in despair. However Itachi simply smiled at her, poked her in the forehead and slumped to the ground.
She slowly turned to him, and realized that he was dead.
A mix of emotions washed over her, he may have done wrong, but he was still her brother, but she was relieved that she had gone through with her mission. She had avenged her parents, and her clan, and now relaxed she succumbed to the exhaustion and collapsed. However before she hit the ground she was caught by a hand.
Her tired eyes were blurry, but she could at least make out the blond hair, and the shiny blue eyes.
"You did well Satsuki. Rest up" he responded with a smile. Feeling relief she passed out in his arms, as the boy looked up with tears of his own.
"Pervy Sage"

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