||*. 009 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠?

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Gwen didn't think much of her and Percy's talk last night.

However to Luke, it was a pretty big deal. Or at least that's what the young girl gathered when she talked with him the morning before leaving for the quest.

"Oh? You guys, talked?" Luke said after Gwen had told him about her conversation with Percy.

He said it in a surprised tone and with a suggestive look. Gwen didn't really understand what he was suggesting, but it was making her annoyed.

   However, she decided to ignore Lukes comment and continued with what she wanted to talk with him about.

     "Anyways, he told me he picked me for the quest because I told him about my abilities."

"Which ones?"

"Predicting the future, obviously. Wait—" she paused, giving Luke an incriminating look. "Did you tell him about..." Gwen didn't really want to say it outloud, she felt squeamish.

"No, dude, of course not. It was Connor, he was sitting right next to Percy and I when I was talking about you."

"You were talking about me?" She joked, pretending to be super flattered.

"Continue with your story." He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Right. So, I haven't, you know-uh, predicted anything in awhile." She felt stupid saying it outloud. "What if I've lost it? And I set the whole quest off track because I've done something wrong. I don't know if I'm ready for that—"

Luke cut her off, he was afraid if she kept talking at a mile a minute, she might need jaw surgery.

"Gwen, chill." The girl took a deep breath, she needed her inhaler, this was the most she had used it in a while. "You are thinking way too deeply. You literally predicted the quest you are about to go on, you'll be fine. I promise."

   Luke was being his normal comforting self to Gwen. That's why she wanted to talk to him in the first place. She had already confided in Annabeth, and he was the only other person who could make her feel ok. And he did after saying that, only a little.

     "Yeah but if I somehow—" Gwen was really good about thinking up every horrible outcome to a situation.

     "If, Gwen. ' If 'doesn't mean it's going to happen. Just trust yourself, I trust you. And I know Annabeth trusts you. I know you'll do the right thing." He smiled down on the girl, a brotherly smile.

   Gwen took a few deep breathes before Luke spoke again.

     "Alright, I'm going to go drop these of to Percy as a good luck present." He tapped the wooden box he was holding with his left hand.

   The two were stood outside of the Hermes cabin and Gwen—all dressed and ready for the quest—had been wondering what was in the strange box this whole time.

     "What's in it?" She asked.

Luke opened the box and tilted it so Gwen could see inside. A pair of bright red converse, gwen knew exactly what they were, she had seen them before.

"Didn't your... Dad give you those?"

"Yeah, but I figured they'd be useful to you guys. All they do is collect dust under my bed anyway." He shrugged.

Gwen would be surprised if he said he was just trying to get rid of them. She knew how Luke felt about his dad and she didn't blame him. If anything, she understood him, because she felt very similarly about her dad.

𝐔𝐍𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍, p. jackson. 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴!Where stories live. Discover now