Chapter 10

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(In the woods)

(Amara and Omar landed their ship nearby.)

(They were walked through the forest.)

Morgan: Are we there yet?

Amara: No,but we are close.

(Omar noticed a burned structure.)

Omar: What is that?

(The map beeps.)

Amara: Our location. Let's go.

(The saw a burned house.)

(The trio went inside.)

(Morgan saw markings.)

Morgan: Sol+Thetas ?

(Morgan thought for a moment.)

(Omar noticed him staring at something.)

Omar: What happened? Did you find something?

Morgan: Do you and Amara know some people named Sol or Thetas?

(Omar was shocked and was silent.)

Omar:M-mom and Dad?

Morgan(Confused): Your parents?

(Amara walks towards the two.)

(She notices Omar in silence.)

Amara: Umm...Omar?

Morgan: Look at this, Amara.

(Amara looked at the names)

Amara: My mother and father's name?

Morgan: Is this your house?

Amara: No, I don't think I remember and my home was in the city.

Morgan: What about you,Omar?

(Omar was in a state of shock.)

Amara: Omar? Umm....Snap out of it!

Omar: Oh, sorry.

Morgan: What happened to them?

Amara: We don't know.

Omar: Our memories were wiped away.

(They looked around.)

(Omar saw a chest with a hole shape of the amulet.)

Omar: This hole looks similar to the amulet?

(He looked around for Amara.)

Omar: Amara!


(Amara walked around some burnt wreckage and saw a broken sword with a Sun symbol on it's hilt.)

(Amara held it and saw a crack on the blade.)

Amara: This blade, I read about it somewhere in the Iacon library.

(The sword had ancient Cybertronian symbols which Amara couldn't fully understand the meaning.)

Amara: With your dying breath, protect the...

(The last word on the blade was cracked.)

Amara: What is the last word?

(She heard Omar's shout.)

(She held the sword and walked to Omar.)

(She saw Omar near a chest.)

Amara: Omar, what happened?

Omar: You have the amulet with you?

Amara: Yes.

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