Chapter 3

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(The three went outside)

Amara: Who are we running from?

Tamira: Someone very bad.

Omar: Mom, please come with us ?

Tamira: I have to distract the man. 

Amara: Is he a bad man? 

Tamira: Yes, my dear. Someone, who is trying to hurt you both.

(Tamira stopped and activated her amulet for her kids)

(She broke it in half and gave one to Amara and one to Omar.)

At the touch, the siblings saw the blue light.

Tamira: Do you see a blue line ?

Omar: Yes, I see it.

Amara: Me too.

Tamira: Follow it and don't look back. I love you both.

(She kissed on their foreheads)


Stephen: Where is she?

(Sees Tamira walking towards him)

Stephen: Ah,there you are.

Tamira: It doesn't have to be this way,Stephen.

Stephen: You could have given the title of Prime to me and your love would have been spared.

Tamira: You may have killed my husband but not my kids...You will be a tyrant of this world. Everyone will know what you have done to my family.

(Stephen ignored her.)

Stephen : What was that verse, we both knew? Oh yes, 'One Shall Stand'

Tamira: '...and One Shall Fall'

(They both charged at each other and fought)

(Stephen gave a deadly blow to Tamira)

(Tamira is on the ground, barely alive)

Tamira(Weakly said):You may be the next prime, but one day, one shall rise against you.

Stephen: I doubt that. I am no longer Stephen, I am Sentinel Prime.

(He left her.)

(Tamira was laid on the cold floor, thinking about her kids. She is going to be with her husband but they will protect their kids in spirit. She drew her last breath to whisper...)

Tamira: I love you, Amara and Omar...


Omar: There it is.

(The blue line stopped at the door)

(Omar rang the doorbell)

(Alpha Trion opens the door)

Alpha Trion: Omar, Amara. What are you two doing here ? Where are your parents?

Amara  (crying): Mom went fighting someone and didn't come back and Dad-is gone.

Alpha Trion: Come inside, you two.

(He was sad, he knew.)

(Amara and Omar sat on the couch and slept on the soft surface.)

Alpha Trion: How will I keep these two safe ?

(Door bell rang)

(Stephen and some men)

Stephen: Give us the children, Alpha Trion.

Alpha Trion: You won't touch them.

Stephen: They will destroy the Senate.

(Alpha Trion thought)

Alpha Trion: You don't need to kill them, they are just kids, you could erase their memories of their parents, and they will never know about their destinies.

Stephen: A good idea and we could erase their memories by Shadowplay.

Alpha Trion: No, they are just kids.

Stephen: They have power inside of them and their mother was a prime and their father was a cyber knight. They can withstand it.

(The kids were taken to the Senate hall and were laid down in metal berths.)

(Metal caps were on their heads)

(Stephen removed their past memories of their parents and...each other)

Alpha Trion: What are you doing Stephen! They won't remember each other!

Stephen: You will take care of the kids but separated , they shan't 

 be together.)

(Alpha Trion agreed)

(Amara was kept in one room)

(She woke up)

Amara: Oh, hi , Mr. Trion. Where am I ?

Alpha Trion: You don't remember anything ?


Alpha Trion: You take some rest.

Amara: Ok.. I am tired.

( Amara went back to sleep )

(Omar was kept in another bedroom)

(He woke up)

(Saw Alpha Trion)

Omar: Where am I ? Where are my parents?

Alpha Trion: You are staying with the senators, your parents died.

(Omar started crying)

(Alpha Trion hugged him)

(He patted his back gently.)

Alpha Trion:'s ok.

(The spy told Stephen about Morgan Trayton= friend of Amara and Omar)

Stephen: Call the Senator in London and do Shadowplay on the boy. He cannot remember those two kids.

Meanwhile in London...

Thaddeus: What are you doing to my boy?

Guard: His memories of two of his friends has to be removed.

Thaddeus: Why ?

Guard: Orders.

(After Shadowplay was done)

(Thaddeus watched as Morgan stirred from his sleep.)

Morgan: Hi Dad, did I miss the mining shifts ?

Thaddeus: It's ok ,they allowed you to rest.

(Morgan noticed some books beside his bed.)

Morgan: Can I have that book ? Where did you get it?

Thaddeus: Some friends gave those.

(Thaddeus left for his shift)

(Morgan opened the book and found a letter)

Morgan: Huh, What's this ?

(Opens the letter and reads it)

Letter =

Dear Morgan,

These are your friends , Omar and Amara. We hope you would enjoy the books. We know that ,it was unfair for kids like you to not learn how to read and write. When we read a book to you, you heartily listened to it and didn't miss a single word. We have given you some lessons of how to read and write and you improved in it a lot. We gave you this book and some others. Hope you would enjoy it.

Your friends,

Omar Parvez and Amara Parvez

( After reading the letter)

Morgan: Who are they? I don't remember them.

( He kept the letter in a metal box and went back to sleep)

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