ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝:

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Finney, Bruce, and Billy's GC Name: Doll's With Balls


Finney: TheBitch

Bruce: TheLiar

Billy: TheSluttyWardrobe

Robin, Vance, and Griffin's GC Name: The Powerpuff Girls


Robin: Bubbles

Vance: Buttercup

Griffin: Blossom

Finney, Bruce, Billy, Robin, Vance, Griffin Group Chat Name:
Renaissance Project


Finney: KnightofTheWhores

Bruce: PrinceConsort

Billy: CourtJester

Griffin: KingBitches

Robin: DamselinDistress

Vance: PrissyLittlePrincess

Bruce and Finney's Groupchat:


Finney: Suicidal

Bruce: VancesBitch

Bruce and Robin's Groupchat:


Robin: The.Real.Robin

Bruce: Bruce. Y

Griffin and Billy's Groupchat:


Griffin: Griffy.Griff

Billy: Badass.Paperbitch

Bruce and Vance's Groupchat:


Bruce: Bruce⚾️

Vance: Vance🩰

Robin and Finney's Groupchat:


Finney: Finn🥰

Robin: Robbie🫶🏻


Turns out when it comes to plans or telling people how they feel, Billy, Bruce, and Finney were all shit.

When it was for someone, like Gwen and Amy, they could come up with the best, most foolproof plans, but the second it involved them they froze.

So after a full night of brainstorming, and subsequently getting nowhere with it, they just decided to wait. Fortunately this was the day that they were all going to sit together at lunch and work on the English project.

As Finney rolled out of bed, he wanted to die. Bruce always yelled at him for how little sleep he got, but he couldn't help it.

His body wouldn't let him go to bed before 0200 or sleep past 0600. Plus, he had shit he needed to get done.

Gwen didn't like making herself breakfast or lunch in the mornings so Finney had to do it for her (never mind the fact that he never had breakfast or lunch himself, Gwen was just more important to him), if it was a day they had baseball he had to get all his gear ready, and on top of all of that he had a ton of homework he had to get done.

So sue him if he didn't get even close to the right amount of sleep.

As he rolled out of bed (unfortunately at 0600 on the fucking dot), he quickly walked downstairs to make Gwen's breakfast. As he looked around, he saw his father passed out on the couch, surrounded by beer bottles.

Finney rolled his eyes, but made sure to quiet down. Heaven knows he didn't want to a repeat of two nights ago, his back was still sore as fuck. He crept up the stairs, peeking into Gwen's room.

Where she would normally be passed out drooling, she sat with red rimmed eyes. Finney felt his heart break, seeing Gwen upset always hurt him. If he could, he would shelter her from all the hurt she will ever face.

Unfortunately though the world is too unfair for that. He rushed over to the bed, sat down, and pulled her into a hug.

"Kochanie, co się stało?" ( Translated: Baby, what's wrong? ), Finney said.

It was a calculated gamble, speaking in Polish.

On one hand, it always made them both feel safer knowing that their father had no clue what they were saying.

But on the other hand, Polish always reminded them of their mother and that could send Gwen into a spiral. Fortunately, it seemed to work. Gwen relaxed slightly, and started talking

"Do you remember that one kid, David?"

Finney was shocked for two reasons.

One, she was talking in English. Gwen hated their father being able to hear what she was saying, liked being able to talk freely without risking getting beat.

Two, she acted like he could forget David, Gwen's first romantic relationship.

That creep was fucking weird. He would follow Gwen home, stand outside the door, and even try to break in. They broke up shortly after Finney was kidnapped, and his only regret was not beating him ass.

But he had to calm himself down. If he got worked up, Gwen would too and he couldn't have that. So he took a deep breath in, and said

"yes, of course I do honey."

Normally he wouldn't try so much with the pet names. Gwen didn't typically tolerate them, but when she was sad she found comfort in them.

"Well he keeps calling me, I have no clue how he got my new number. On top of that he won't listen to me when I say that I'm in a new relationship, plus I can't say with who because his family is homophobic and has Dad's number. I don't know what to fucking do, and he's scaring me. He called 14 times last night alone. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you to panic."

By the end of her story, Gwen sounded close to tears.

Gwen rarely cried.

Before the kidnapping, the last time she cried in front of Finney was their mother's funeral. Finney wanted to take a sledgehammer to David's kneecaps.

He wanted to tie cinderblocks to his ankles and shove him into deep water. He, however, did none of that. Gwen was his first priority.

"Gwenny, it's ok. While I do wish you had told me earlier, I get it. Next time he calls, answer the phone then come find me. Even if it's at school, find me. I'll deal with it. Ok?"

Gwen nodded

"Alrighty, then. I've got your breakfast and your lunch ready. So let's go."

As they got started for the day, Gwen was excited. She may have gotten off to a rough and painful start, but she knew she was going to be ok now. With Finney by her side, nothing could hurt her.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕡 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕥//𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕖Where stories live. Discover now