Chapter 2

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The next day, Carlos woke up with a migraine like never before. He felt like someone was hammering thousands of nails into his head. He groaned in pain as TK stirred awake.
'Baby, you okay?' TK asked nervously
'I'm fine' Carlos responded, grabbing his head in pain
'Your not fine are you?'
'I will be, I'll just take some medicine or something it'll go away soon'
'If it doesn't you'll come to the firehouse won't you?'
'Yeah, I will I promise'
TK got out of bed, reluctant to leave his husband alone but his shift started soon and he didn't want to be late. Carlos, however, didn't have a shift until later in the evening so he prayed that his migraine would go before he had to leave.
TK scrambled to make breakfast for him and Carlos, almost burning the pancakes. He brought the pancakes to Carlos and went to give him a kiss. He felt Carlos' body burning up and he was sweating under the blankets. TK immediately ran to the bathroom to get Carlos some heavily needed medicine. Carlos was barely awake, shaking his head, pleading with TK that he was fine.
'I'm gonna text Tommy and see if I can get off shift'
'I'm okay I promise I'll call you if anything bad happens, you should go to work'
As much as he wanted to be with TK, he knew how important work was to him and he felt guilty if he was the reason why missed out on it. TK huffed and agreed to go to work, on the condition that Carlos updated him regularly on his condition.

At the firehouse, TK anxiously checked his phone. Every few minutes he would pick up his phone and see if Carlos had messaged him.
'What's up with you bro' Paul questioned
'Yeah you seem a bit on edge' Marjan agreed
'Well he is sitting on the edge of his seat' Mateo commented which earned him confused looks from the rest of the team.
'It's Carlos' TK replied
'Is he okay?' Owen said coming down from his office, understandably worried about his son-in-law
'He has a fever and a migraine but refused to let me take care of him apart from giving him medicine'
'He's stubborn, just like you' Owen said, patting him on the back
TK sighed and checked his phone for the 100th time that morning. This time, there was a message from Carlos. TK opened it immediately.
'I've gotta go' he said hurriedly, grabbing his phone and making his way up to Captain Vega's office, where her and Nancy were talking.
'Uh sorry to interrupt but Cap...something's wrong with Carlos'

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