Chapter 1

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A/N-This is my first ever story so feel free to leave feedback and excuse my grammar mistakes.


'Come on TK, get up,' Carlos said 'it's almost 8AM'
'Too early.' TK said sleepily
After practically dragging TK out of bed, they had a small breakfast together while discussing their shifts from the day before. TK ranted on about all the stupid people he had to save while Carlos stared lovingly into his eyes.
'What?' TK said
'Nothing, have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?'
'Almost everyday'
'Well can't hurt to say it again'
TK chuckled and placed a sweet kiss on Carlos' lips before going to get changed.

After getting changed, TK and Carlos sat on the sofa and watched a movie. Both were exhausted after their shifts and felt they needed a chill day to just relax and be with each other. Carlos wrapped his arms around TK, not wanting to let him go. After all of TK's stints in the hospital, Carlos felt a strong need to always protect TK, even from falling of the sofa. He was scared the even the slightest injury could put TK in the hospital. After he got shot, got kidnapped and then the severe hypothermia and not to mention his drug addiction, Carlos was constantly worried about his husband. Even TK coughing would put Carlos into worry mode, despite TK being a paramedic and more than capable to take care of himself.
TK, however, was incredibly stubborn when it came to Carlos taking care of him. He didn't want to feel like a burden to Carlos, although he knew that no matter what, he would always be there for him.

A/N-Writing this was very fun and I'll try to publish more chapters soon

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