Backstory: The Beginning

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In a land most assume is merely fairytales, a little girl looks out of a window in the tall tower of castle. Her name is Elena Michelle Mills, and her mom put her crib by that window so she would never feel trapped in that place. After all, Regina Mills herself was trapped there. Trapped by marriage and trapped by rage.

Regina was looking over the crib as Snow White entered the room.

"She's so beautiful! You must be really proud!" The little Snow said to Regina, her new stepmother.

"I am proud. I just wish her father was around to witness this."

"I'm so sorry he left you. He's a bad man and a bad father for doing that to you. But don't worry, dad and I will treat her like she is our own. My sister and his daughter. She'll be happy here!"

With that, Snow retreated back to where she came from, and Regina resumed, looking into the crib.

"That little girl stole your father from you. We will never belong here with them. They need to pay. " Regina looked as evil as she had yet when she said that. She will protect her daughter and get her vegence, no matter how long it takes.

Elena grew up with Snow and her stepfather King Leopold in the castle. Though Snow White, and even moreso, King Leopold, were never around. It was Regina and her daughter, alone, most days. Regina would tell her tales of her father and her on horseback, having fun, and what happened to him.

She would tell her how they were going to run away together and get married. Not only to get away from Cora, Regina's mother, but because of her. Regina found out she was pregnant and wanted a new, different life for her and her baby.

Regina had been with the King for only a year or two when he died. Elena was still in diapers and not talking. She could walk and made sounds, but she definitely did not mourn King Leopold. It's not like Snow White did. It's not like Regina pretended to.

After that moment, everything changed. Snow White was raised primarily by Johanna in a totally separate part of the castle. Regina stayed in the main portions, ammassed her armies, and took care of Elena. When she was partaking in lessons with Rumplestiltskin, Elena was handed off to Regina's father, Henry Mills, to be raised. There wasn't a family anymore, and even if little Elena couldn't understand that, it would change her whole life.

Henry Mills was a kind man who only wanted the best for his daughter and his granddaughter. He was old and had no magic of his own, so he felt helpless at times to protect Regina from herself. Using only his words and his wisdom, could he teach Elena anything.

The first couple years of Elena's life after the death of King Leopold were filled with happy memories of her grandfather teaching her wondeful life lessons. Regina was busy trying to get the people to love her and only spent the evenings with her daughter. Regina was convinced Elena was too young to notice when she wasn't around. But Elena was all too aware of her mother's absence.

When Elena was only five years old, her first bit of magic came out. It was bright and it was white and it moved a cookie jar to within her reach. Her grandfather was there to witness it. He immediately scooped her up and took her to Regina's room, where the Queen was instructing men to take rations from the people who were not yet loyal to her.

"Your Majesty, I understand you are incredibly busy, but your daughter needs your attention!"

"What could she possible need that you can not provide at the moment?" And despite Regina asking this in a harsh tone, she took Elena into her arms and lifted her to her hip. She looked very concerned

"Regina, your daughter has magic! She just moved a cookie jar with a bright white light!" He was emphatic, and he couldn't believe she was showing signs so early.

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