Chapter 3

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A/N: welcome! Finally edited chapter 3! I might go back and add things but for now here it is! I'll be working on more posts today since I have nothing better to do. Please review and like!
The last four days were awful. Percy barely ate, and everything hurt. He vaguely remembered Thalia and Nico taking turns sitting with him as he puked his guts up. Percy was thankful for them, but now he was in a constant state of anxiety. He tore through his bag and suitcase in search of a pill he might have missed. Percy paced his room for about an hour before settling on his bed. He even missed his birthday. His gift from his dad was a new pair of headphones, and his mom had called him, but he could barely remember. He didn't feel like celebrating anyway.
At least he was finally able to get his phone back. Several texts from his friends asking if he wanted to hang out and drink only made him angry. He was thankful for the Lofexidine as he was now not puking every hour, and the cravings weren't as intense. He remembered he cried to his mom the last time he was in withdrawal for a hit. It was still the most embarrassing night of his life. His sobriety lasted about two months that previous time.
Percy groggily went downstairs when he heard the shuffling in the kitchen.
Poseidon was packing several bottles of wine in the kitchen, "what are you doing?"
Poseidon jumped and held a spatula like a weapon. "I'm bringing these to the Chases. Your mom said she and Paul kept all the alcohol in locked cabinets and I don't have one." His shoulders slumped as he looked at Percy.
Percy looked at the spatula, "were you going to use a spatula as a weapon?"
"I uh- well, you know, to stun the intruder," Poseidon said, shrugging as he turned back around to continue putting the wine away.
Percy rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips and opened the fridge. "A pan would have been better." He grabbed the orange juice and looked around for a cup.
"Third cabinet to the left of the fridge," Poseidon said as he continued to pack the wine bottles. Percy watched each bottle go into the box.
"I'm guessing you are feeling better?"
Percy shrugged. His arms itched, and he felt the desire just to take one sip. "Not really." He snapped his eyes away when his phone buzzed.
Dude, did you go back to rehab? - Matt
Percy frowned as he continued to scroll through the texts. Most were from people he would hang out with when he was high.
Drew said you were in San Francisco. I know a kid named Luke. He could set you up. You're going to Goode, right? - Matt
Of course, Drew knew where he was. She was Matt's girlfriend, but she was obsessed with him. One night, they were both as high as a kite, and he made the mistake of sleeping with her. She made it her personal mission to know everything about him.
I'm sober rn. I'm going to actually try. - Percy
Percy regretted the text the moment he sent it, but it was too late. Matt's read receipt popped up, and he didn't respond.
"Who is it?" Poseidon asked, eyeing the phone suspiciously.
"What? Oh, uh, just a friend."
Poseidon clenched his jaw. "Percy, from what your mom said, they are not your friends."
"You don't even know them." He snapped back.
Percy looked back at his phone as Octavian texted I let Luke know you are a loyal customer, so when you're tired of being sober, you can find him.
A contact number was sent right after that, and Percy quickly shut off his phone. "So, who are the Chase's?"
Poseidon smiled, "they are our neighbors. They have a daughter your age and she is super smart. Would you like to come with me?"
"I'll pass."
Poseidon sighed. "I'll be back."
Percy only nodded and finished his juice. When Poseidon left, he went back into his room. He laid on his bed and turned his phone back on as he stared at the text message. He didn't have any money, and he knew Poseidon wouldn't give him money if he asked for it. His mom gave a very long list of the things Poseidon should not do. And one of those things was having cash.
His fingers shook as he began typing.
Poseidon looked back at his house as he carried the box over to the neighbors. Fredrick opened the door, smiling wide, "Poseidon! What seems to be the occasion?" Fred eyed the box of liquor. He gestured for him to come inside and then entered the kitchen. Sue was in the kitchen cooking lunch for the kids.
"Poseidon, it's lovely for you to drop by."
"Sorry to stop by unannounced, but I need to pawn these off to someone so it doesn't go to waste. My son is living with me, and well, he's going through a rough time." Sue turned the stove off, her eyes full of concern as she looked Poseidon over. Noticing his messy hair and stubble on his chin. 
"Would you like to stay for lunch?" She smiled as Poseidon sank at the counter.
"I don't want to intrude."
Fred patted him on the back, "nonsense! We'd love to have you would your son like to come over? Annabeth! Boys! Come down here!"
"He wasn't quite feeling up to it. But I can ask.
"Well how about Sunday before the kids are off to school? We can make it early and we will be sure to only serve nonalcoholic beverages. Is it just alcohol?"
She kept her tone light as she asked. Poseidon didn't see any judgment in her eyes. "Alcohol and Oxy. He broke his leg and was given an opioid. He was going through a pretty rough time with his stepfather at the time." That was an understatement. The man was arrested for assault and child abuse. It made Poseidon wonder how that beautiful, strong woman he loved ended up with a guy like that or what happened to his son when Sally was working. The broken leg was from a bat, and it made his blood boil thinking about who used it as a weapon on a child.
"Well I have a colleague who specializes in drug abuse and trauma. He uses a method called EMDR therapy and it has been proven to help those with PTSD."
They both went quiet when Annabeth and the twins came down the stairs. "Sorry, Mom, these rascals left a Lego death trap in the hallway. Oh, hi, Mr. Jackson." Annabeth looked around. "I'm guessing Percy isn't coming."
Poseidon smiled, "I'm sure Thalia told you. Yeah, uh, he wasn't feeling well."
Annabeth nodded, "Well, this Saturday we are going to the movies with all my friends. He's more than welcome to join."
"Let me text him and see if he'd like some spaghetti." Sue nodded and ordered Annabeth to take the wine bottles to the basement.
They waited a few moments, and Poseidon smiled as the text came in. Sure, I'll be right there. House on the left?
"He's coming!" Two minutes later, Sue opened the door and introduced herself as she led Percy through the house. Poseidon cleared his throat as they made introductions, and her son was awkwardly staring at Annabeth before he mumbled under his breath about brain fog.
Percy didn't know what it was, but this girl was the most beautiful girl he'd ever met. Percy swallowed, realizing he was awkwardly staring. "It's nice to meet you." He shook Annabeth's hand, hoping his hands weren't sweating.
"Likewise. Thalia talks about you a lot." Oh great, Thalia probably told her all about him having an addiction.
"Probably not a lot of good things." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
Annabeth huffed a laugh. "No, there are a lot of good things. Come on, let's go sit so we can eat." His stomach rumbled as he thought of food, but the wave of nausea still hadn't subsided. It was either this or wallowing in self-pity as the cravings got worse. So, he chose this.
"So, Percy, where are you from?" Sue asked, trying to break the tension as they ate.
He looked up, shocked he was being asked a question. "I live with my mom and Step-dad Paul in New York. They are great." He continued pushing the spaghetti around on his plate. Even just the few bites he had made his stomach twist.
"Are you feeling okay?" Poseidon asked. Worry lines crinkled on his forehead.
Percy shrugged but looked up at him, "I, uh, still feel nauseous." That was an understatement. He felt like passing out.
Bobby leaned away. "Are you sick?"
"Uh, no..." he wasn't going to outright say he was going through withdrawal to a seven-year-old.
"Maybe he ate lots of candy Bobby." Mathew said as if that was the most logical answer.
Percy cracked a smile. "Definitely the candy." Eh, it was close enough. Poseidon gave him a side glance as if he was about to warn Percy not to say something stupid.
Percy felt it then, yup, he was definitely going to puke. "Where is the bathroom?" His face paled as he stood up, his chair almost knocking back.
"I'll show you." Annabeth stood quickly as if she knew what was going to happen. Man, Thalia can usually keep secrets, but he figured Annabeth was her best friend, and he was definitely not making a good first impression.
The hushed voices of Sue and Poseidon made his gut twist, knowing they were talking about him. Percy didn't even say thank you as he lunged for the toilet. Annabeth turned the light on and wet a towel.
Percy sighed as she dabbed the cloth on his neck. "I'm definitely not making a good first impression."
Annabeth smiled warmly. "I went through this with my older brother, Malcolm. My parents understand." She pulled her hair into a bun as she continued to dab the back of his neck.
Percy looked away from her, afraid to ask if he was still around. "Where is he now?"
"He's three years sober with a nice job in LA. It was a rough time getting him there but he did it. From what Thalia told me about you. You can too." She gave him a few more seconds to see if he was finished. After about the third time, he had nothing left. Percy groaned as he leaned away, resting his head against the wall.
"Here let's rinse your mouth out."
She opened the medicine cabinet, and Percy's mouth went dry as he spotted the prescriptions. As if sensing his gaze, she quickly grabbed the mouthwash and a small paper cup. Percy gulped as she closed it.
"You know this is the hardest part right? When are your meetings if you don't mind me asking?" There was no judgment in her tone.
Percy looked at her then. Dread settling in. "I haven't decided yet. Thank you by the way. You didn't have to stay in here."
"It's okay. I'm happy to help."
Once he rinsed his mouth, he followed her back to the table. Everyone was done eating, and Sue replaced his spaghetti with toast and a banana. Percy hesitated as he sat.
Sue waved a hand, "you have nothing to be sorry about. We are just glad to meet you. Our door is always open, and if you'd like, Annabeth's brother went through what you are going through now. If you need someone to talk to, he'd be more than happy to talk to you." There was the sympathy talk where they would try to get Percy to have someone to talk to about his 'struggles.' He hated those conversations as if a stranger could relate to what he went through; he never liked the AA meetings for that reason. He could never connect with any of the people in those meetings, and that's why he never tried to make friends with any of them. Maybe, this time, it will be different, and he'll find his crowd of people. Sure, he had his cousins, but they were family; he never had people he considered friends.
Wow, that was a depressing thought, and now he was drowning in the pity party. The conversation sparked again, and Percy mindlessly listened, tossing in meaningless "yes" or a shrug here and there. The tight smiles were what really got him; he knew there was a slight worry he'd stir up trouble. Everyone saw him that way; even as a full-time athlete, he was still viewed as a delinquent kid with a troubled past.
The rest of lunch was quick as Percy did his best to stop thinking about the medicine cabinet. As they walked back to the house, the moment Percy stepped inside, he said the words he didn't think he'd say willingly.
"I need a meeting." Poseidon turned to him so fast that his shoes squeaked on the floor.
Percy swallowed, running his hands through his hair. "I feel like I'm going to crawl out of my skin. I'd do anything for a high and I don't want to do the past week over again. I need a meeting." His phone felt heavier the more he talked.
"Okay, I'll take you tonight."
He couldn't take the weight of the phone and pulled it out of his pocket. "Can you take this?"
Poseidon eyed the phone. "Why? You earned it back." Percy turned his phone off and shoved it in his hands.
"Please keep it, Dad." Percy urged, and Poseidon took it.
"Did you just call me dad?"
Percy rolled his eyes. "would you like me to call you 'sperm donor'?"
Poseidon clutched the phone and smiled. "Dad is fine.

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