Nature's advice

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As he raised his arms to the sky

And fell unto his knees in utter hopelessness

We all fell silent

For even the wind slowed to listen.

His voice was only croak in the grand, distant silence

"Help me," he cried, his eyes glistening under the moon's imperial glow.

The stars seemed to only shimmer in response

But what he knew not,

Is that in fact,

we were all listening,  

And with upmost certainty, He can hear as well.

So bear not your tears oh young man, we chant-

Cry, cry, for tears are the way of relief

Your cries are heard with great Mercy of which you cannot fathom

So, bear patience we advise

For patience is the way of life.

See you not how we sprout after months under pristine whiteness?

See you not how the wind  sweeps over the leaves as relief after the sun's heating beams?

See you not how the rain quenches the soil's thirst after moons of dryness?

See you not how the ants travel the width of mountains in hopes to attend their homes?

See you not how life is full of trials of patience?

So, worry not I say

For in life, everything is handled

And the darkness that accompanies you,

And the voidness that fills your heart,

And the echoes that resonate in your mind,

Shall all vanish.

Thus, stress not so,

And follow life's always continuing trail,

And ease your heart of worry.

Everything here is determined

Even the beings of which you cannot see

And the countless miniscule wonders that flow with the wind

And the ever so great scenes that lay beyond the stars


I tell thee once again, fear not what this life offers

Fear not death, for it is not life's gruesome ending but its doors to your true reside

For I tell thee,

Question not life's comings, for they are only temporary moments

For I tell thee,

Fear not the gray clouds and somber paths, for they are only pictures

Worry not we say again, worry not,

This life is only a short moment

So, enjoy its wonders

For we shall not last long

But with your honest recognition

We shall accompany you,

Even under the soil

And you shall then understand, the true meaning of life

And laugh with great happiness you knew not existed within you

Bear sabr, bear patience

Our Creator is of all ears

And this world is only a brief moment.

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