A cry to the stars

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Mother, mother

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Mother, mother

Watch you from the heavens as tears dot my eyes?

Speak to me oh mother, let me hear your voice

Descend oh mother, let me see your face

For it has become only a blur

And your voice an echo so distant my mind cannot retrieve it anymore

I miss you so mother

And I have forgotten you so

All that is left of your memory,

Is this coin that warms my hand so

For I have held it since the sun's rise and the moon's rise

Yet I cannot understand why have you given it to me?

I am in much misery right now mother, oh you cannot imagine!

I have run away from home and traveled with no direction

I am lost mother!

There is no one to listen to me, I am lost!

So, what shall I do with this coin oh mother!

See you not my reddened face,

And my slim arms?

I am weak and failed!

Mother, I beg you, answer!

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