𝕮⃟Hapter 48

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Translator: Rosana
Editor: PlayerProphet

Bai Yang felt his body go cold. The Demon King’s pupils were like two cold, bottomless lakes. His gaze felt like ice water and, with a glance, Bai Yang felt as though his body had been dunked into a lake.

In his mind, Bai Yang quietly asked: “Xiao Ling, do you think if I say ‘I don’t want to do it’ right now, he’d kill me?”

“I think he’s really angry, so it’s possible,” Xiao Ling answered back, just as quietly.

Bai Yang whispered even quieter: “Then what should I do? If I don’t agree, I’ll be killed, but if I do agree, I won’t be able to travel to the Human Realm anymore.”

“Sir, I don’t know what to do, either,” Xiao Ling replied, even softer. “All of these choices are part of your test. Sir, this is the experiment you’ve committed to, so you should make your own decisions.”

“How can you be like this?” Bai Yang whispered. “You kick the ball to me when you can’t handle it yourself.”

“Sir, this is your experiment, not mine,” Xiao Ling replied quietly, even though it was offended. “Also, I’m not human, I’m just a system.”

Bai Yang was silent for a moment. “Why are we speaking so quietly?” He blurted. “It’s not like the Demon King can hear us.”

Xiao Ling also pondered for a moment, before saying, “How should I know?”

They were silent for a moment before Bai Yang spoke. “It’s all that Demon King’s fault for being so scary! Look at his face! It’s like last time when I refused to sleep with him! I don’t owe him anything, I just don’t want the things he gives me! Why is he so pissed?”

“Maybe he sincerely wants to give it to you.”

“So I have to just accept whatever he gives me?” Bai Yang’s heart was full of resentment.

“Xie Ze Tian.” The Demon King’s cool voice broke Bai Yang from his thoughts.

Bai Yang responded automatically: “Here!”

His voice was very crisp and loud; it really sounded like he was present.

The Demon King was so angry he started to laugh. “What were you daydreaming about while I was asking you a question?”

Bai Yang’s expression was unfathomable. “Your subordinate was considering how to respond to Your Highness.”

“Is my question really that difficult?” The Demon King said.

Bai Yang thought for a moment and figured the Demon King probably wouldn’t kill him just because he refused the position, so he bravely confessed: “Your Highness is very considerate to his subordinates, and your subordinate is extremely grateful, but your subordinate is too incompetent for the Captain of the Guards position. He hopes that Your Highness will find someone else.”

As soon as the words fell from his mouth, Bai Yang felt the temperature of the room lower. The Demon King was sitting on his throne, his back ramrod straight, his lips squeezed into a tight line, and his eyes shooting out piercing knives.

Bai Yang thought he was going to be killed by the Demon King’s intense gaze.

It can’t be. Is he really going to kill me?

Bai Yang felt uncertain, and his heart began to pound.

What I just said was disrespectful, and I’ve mouthed off to him before. What if his new grievances and past grudges clash together and then, in a moment of hot-headedness, he really does kill me? That’s possible.

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