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𝔼𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 found herself in the confines of the "office" room provided by President Snow. Despite the aid she received, she was well aware of the cameras that were constantly watching her every move. She glanced up from the sheet of designs for her upcoming appearances, observing the crew members who seemed more interested in gossiping and fixing their appearances in the mirror than helping her make a decision. And then there were those who kept a suspiciously close eye on her, most likely for reporting purposes.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Estella leaned back in her chair, capturing everyone's attention. "Is there something wrong with the design, Miss Perez?" one of them asked, trying to understand her confusion. Without bothering to look at them, she responded, "The designs given to me don't reflect my true character in any way." This statement was met with a burst of laughter, causing Estella to frown in annoyance.

One of them attempted to explain, "Oh, it's all about fashion, Miss Perez. As long as it's bold and pretty, why would those things matter?" Biting her tongue, Estella decided it was pointless to waste her time and energy trying to make sense of the shallow mindset of these people. God, how she missed Poppy...

A sudden knock on the door disrupted the room's tranquility, causing everyone to halt their activities. Estella, seated with an air of importance, straightened in her chair, recognizing that only President Snow or the nurse bearing her 'medicine' would dare interrupt her precious moments. The door creaked open, and Estella's eyes immediately met Iphigenia's.

A surge of relief washed over her, prompting Estella to abandon all formality as she leaped into the older woman's waiting embrace. "Oh, my dear. My poor, poor dear," Iphigenia whispered, tightly hugging her mentee, oblivious to the disapproving looks and curious gazes directed their way.

"Where have you been?" Estella sighed, her voice muffled against Iphigenia's shoulder. The older woman squeezed her even tighter, offering an unspoken answer to Estella. It was evident that President Snow had taken measures to keep Iphigenia hidden from her mentee.

The room, previously hushed, now buzzed with an air of curiosity as Estella and Iphigenia shared their heartfelt reunion. Ignoring the raised eyebrows and disapproving glances, the mentor and mentee seemed to exist in their own world within the confines of the room.

Iphigenia, maintaining her tight embrace, gently pulled away from Estella, her eyes scanning the younger woman's face with concern. "You've been through so much," she murmured, her voice carrying a mixture of sympathy and frustration. Estella, although appreciative of the comfort, couldn't help but feel a surge of questions welling up within her.

As if sensing Estella's unspoken inquiries, Iphigenia guided her mentee back to the seat, their camaraderie undeterred by the prying eyes around them. "We have much to discuss, my dear," Iphigenia began, her tone both serious and comforting. "President Snow has taken drastic measures to keep us apart, but we cannot let that dictate our paths."

Estella nodded, her curiosity now tempered with a sense of determination. The room's occupants gradually returned to their tasks, seemingly disinterested in the unfolding drama between the mentor and mentee. It became apparent that their connection was more significant than the fleeting curiosity of those around them.

Over the next hour, Iphigenia filled Estella in on the clandestine actions taken by President Snow to separate them. The older woman's words painted a picture of a complex web of intrigue and manipulation. As Estella listened intently, she couldn't shake the feeling that their bond was now intertwined with something much larger—a clandestine struggle that extended far beyond the walls of their immediate surroundings.

With newfound purpose, Estella and Iphigenia began plotting their next moves. The room, initially disturbed by the unexpected entrance, now served as the backdrop for a silent rebellion against the forces that sought to control their destinies. Little did they know that their actions would send ripples through the intricate tapestry of power and secrecy that surrounded them.

Iphigenia's words hung in the air, and a heavy silence settled over the room as she concluded her detailed explanation. Throughout the entirety of her narrative, Estella had been an attentive and cautious listener. Her reactions were measured, with intermittent furrowed brows and discreet expressions that conveyed both concern and restrained dismay. It was evident that she carefully guarded her words, conscious of the potential repercussions, especially with others present in the room who might be eavesdropping and ready to report any indiscretions.

As Iphigenia cast a discreet glance around the room, she took note of the subtle undercurrents of tension and the watchful eyes that lingered on their exchange. With a cautious nod from Estella, acknowledging the need for discretion, Iphigenia shifted closer, creating an intimate space between them. Estella, ever perceptive, raised an eyebrow, detecting the sudden change in mood and wondering about the unspoken intricacies that now colored their conversation.

"How are you?" Iphigenia asked, her voice lowered to a confidential level. "I heard distressing news about Johanna and Peeta. Reports suggest they've endured... difficult circumstances. My concern extends to you. They didn't lay a hand on you, did they?" Iphigenia's genuine worry for Estella's well-being was evident in her eyes, the mentor's gaze seeking reassurance and understanding.

Estella, feeling the weight of Iphigenia's concern, offered a faint but reassuring smile. "I managed to navigate through unscathed," she replied, choosing her words carefully. "But the situation is precarious, and we must tread with caution. President Snow's influence is far-reaching, and we need to be vigilant."

As they continued their conversation in hushed tones, the room around them seemed to fade into the background, cocooning them in a shared understanding of the challenges they faced. The palpable tension and secrecy hinted at a larger, more intricate narrative that unfolded beyond the immediate confines of their discussion—a tale of resilience, loyalty, and the quiet rebellion against the oppressive forces that sought to control their destinies.


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