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Estella enveloped in the quietude of the night, observed the graceful dance unfolding in the living room between Mr. and Mrs. William. Despite the late hour surpassing her bedtime, she found herself stirred by a tumultuous nightmare rooted in the haunting memories of Rue and Thresh's demise in the Hunger Games. Seeking solace and reprieve from the lingering distress, Estella decided to alleviate the tension by venturing into the common area.

As she stealthily navigated through the shadows, careful not to disturb the tender moment between the two adults, she marveled at the rarity of witnessing them so intimately entwined. The depth of their connection radiated through the room, an unusual display of affection that intrigued Estella. Her attention, however, became so fixated on the scene that she failed to notice the approach of Aries, her partner in slumber.

Aries, roused from his sleep by the absence of Estella beside him on their shared bed, sought to uncover the reason for her nocturnal excursion. With a quizzical expression, he discovered her hidden form peeking out from behind the doorframe, her eyes captivated by the unfolding spectacle in the living room. Gently encircling her waist with his arms and resting his chin atop her head, Aries joined in her clandestine observation, revealing a shared curiosity about the hidden depths of the Williams' relationship.

Suppressing a smirk at the soft gasp escaping Estella's lips in response to his touch, Aries mused, "Who would have thought she could be so... calm?" His whispered words alluded to the contrasting nature of Mrs. William, known for her strict demeanor, especially toward Estella. "It's rather endearing that only Mr. William gets to witness this side of her. If anyone else were to do the same, it would make me feel incredibly special."

Caught in the magnetic pull of the scene, Estella couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. It wasn't just the captivating dance that stirred emotions within her; it was the unspoken bond shared between the couple that left an indelible mark on her heart. Aries, sensing her silent contemplation, tightened his embrace, offering a silent reassurance.

Aries, still holding Estella close, whispered softly in her ear, "It's late, love. Let's get you to bed." The couple, still unnoticed by the Williams, retreated from the shadows, hand in hand, into the quiet recesses of their shared sanctuary.

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