Priority#2: Fellowship & Communion w/ Jesus: Ch. 14 - Throne Room Experience #2

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Like Paul of old, the wonders and glories of that place find no adequate description in human language. In the first message I referred to a list of 120 events that God handed me. During that visit God gave me a glimpse of the secrets of the universe all bearing the same beautiful trademark. He took me from Genesis to Revelation giving me an overlay of truth that added a beauty and unity to the whole bible. He allowed me to view His record and planning books. He allowed me to see the believers standing with God and the safety and the sureness of God's defense for every person who has put their faith and trust in God.

He allowed me to see blueprints for many lives. He allowed me to see the plan book of the apostle Paul. God in the planning of his life determining that he would be used to bring the gospel to kings and rulers and men in authority caused him to be tutored by the great teachers of his day, finally being tutored by the greatest teacher of that day Gamaliel. He gave me a peek into Abraham and Sarah's record book. I saw records of things as their hospitality to strangers. How they watered their camels, and the compassion they had for those who had less then they did. I failed to find the times when Abraham stumbled. So I asked God, "where is the other book?" God said, "I have no other book. But I do not record failure." This is a beautiful hope.

God allowed me to see loved ones who had gone on before, and believers who had passed from this life to watch them come. He let me see families as they were alerted by the angels that a loved one was coming home and for them to ready themselves to meet them and welcome them. And these people all had heavenly bodies. They were identifiable, they looked just exactly as they looked here minus the cares and the hurts and the other problems. There was tremendous joy and excitement and happiness. Everyday was a day of new expectation for them, because the things of God were so real and it was a place of continual discovery of the beautiful things of God.

One of the greatest truths this message brings to each one of you who hear is the assurance that God has scheduled each day of your lives as well. As you walk with Him He will direct your path, and though unknown to you will bring to pass His purpose for you just as surely as He caused to happen the events given to me that day in the throne room.

Life Teachings of Roland H. Buck - Transcribed By Timothy HoltWhere stories live. Discover now