Priority#1: The Sacrifice of Jesus: Chapter 1 - Discerning His Body

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I have announced this message as a very important message and probably it is one of the most important that the Lord has ever given to me. There are often mixed reactions in people's minds when we speak of the supernatural. I realize that there have been different reactions when I make reference to a visitation of angels or some supernatural truth that God has brought. In most cases skepticism that people may have quickly leaves them when they listen to the message themselves. Because it is something unexpected, though people in their hearts and their desires that God cares enough about us and that He will visit us and that He will speak to us, there is still a little jolt or reaction when it happens, but most of it is just a reverse expression down in the hearts.

People are hoping that God is revisiting His people in a special way. I've received numbers of letters and telephone calls from people who said that they viewed this with great skepticism until they listened to the message. And as they turned it on and listened, God quickened their hearts. And they said it's of God. One man spoke to me on the telephone long distance, he said it has the ring of truth, I told him it has to be truth because they're not my words. They're words God has brought. God is doing something so special, and I feel that God has honored me and God has smiled on this congregation by His care and by the visits that He has brought right here. It's very, very special. I think of the messages, I'm not going to go into all of these messages. But make references to some of them.

That first message that was brought to me by Gabriel, and I think of the reluctance that I had to give it because I didn't know where it was going to go. I didn't know what it was going to do. I have spent 29 years in this community endeavoring to share Christ with the people and the community recognizes my ministry and it's accepted and I didn't want to in one evening destroy, by giving something that would cause defenses to rise and people to be turned off or turned away, and I was reluctant as you recall, those of you who have heard this before. I waited 3 weeks. God told me to give it but I just couldn't. I waited 3 weeks and in the middle of the night, those same strong hands that gripped my shoulders that first time, raised me up in bed and said, "you haven't given that message." I felt that I was in trouble. And I still felt reluctant. But I did ask Gabriel, "you're here, why don't you give it?" There's some reason why, but he said no, he could not except that God would permit him to. But that I would have to give it. And I gave that message that night and for those of you who have listened to that message good news for you and your family, those of you that haven't, it would pay you to get that tape and to listen to it till all the truths in that really grip your heart. It came from God's heart. The building was as full as it is right now when I gave that message. This was back in the early part of July, and since that time, literally hundreds of thousands of tapes have gone out across the country. They have been duplicated here as fast as we could get them out. But the people who have received them have duplicated them. People that they have sent them to have duplicated them. I have a letter in my office now; another lady has bought an expensive duplicating machine in Washington. And she is sending them out across the country. I have a letter from a lady in Bremerton who has literally sent out hundreds to the people in that community. There's a place in Florida that's duplicating them by the 1000's and sending them out. And the word is, these truths are moving out.

These messages are made very, very real by God. I think of that truth that He made so real, the believers judgment, that day when God has chosen to say thanks. 1 Corinthians 4:5, where He tells us at that time shall every man have praise of God. That day is coming because you have entered in and done the types of things for people that God wants to do for them, and lifting their burdens, and helping them, and sharing, and strengthening their hands, and encouraging them and brightening lives and homes. Those are things that are very important to God because God loves people so much. This is at the heart of this message. Then I think of the desire that God has for very believer that we represent Him in all that He is to the world, His life, His body, His bread, His Word, His light.

Life Teachings of Roland H. Buck - Transcribed By Timothy HoltWhere stories live. Discover now