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"Choi Beomgyu, Mr Kim Seokjin wants to see you in his office now." Said the secretary of his boss. He just sighed and did as he was told.

Once he entered the office, the ceo was smiling at him. He was perplex cuz he was expecting everything except a smile because of the scandal that was going on.

"Good afternoon Choi Beomgyu, please take a sit." He greeted his boss back then did as he was told. "Well I didn't except you to last 3 days with Daniel, but you spent the entire week with him and that's a first since- I mean thank you for putting up with him and don't worry, I know that the rumors going on are fake so of course I am not angry nor will fire you. You really are one of a kind, and much stronger than you seem."

Beomgyu just blinked incredulously at his boss, cuz he surely wasn't expecting the compliments. "You know, he wasn't like that before. He was the sweetest and genuine person ever, but something happened that made him like he is now so please be patient and don't give up on him."

Beomgyu smiled then replied "Of course Mr Kim-" "Please call me hyung, you earned the right to call me that, truly."

Beomgyu smiled wider then said "Thank you very much hyung, and of course I won't give up because I need this job and I know that he have a big heart. Plus the comeback is next month so if i leave it would be too much work for everyone."

Seokjin smiled, then process to discuss about Daniel's schedule for the week planned his upcoming comeback, Korea, Japan and America promotion then finally his world tour.

After that Beomgyu left to do a meeting with the staff and then with Daniel and the protocol team to plan his promotion weeks and his flights, also remind everyone how to act and a brunch of boring but important stuff.

The next day Beomgyu contacted the body guards that bts's manager recommended him then had a meeting with them, discussed over the contract period and the paycheck. Then made them signed it and finally made them meet Yeonjun.

After that he had to visit the marketing and social media team to let them know that they should start posting about the comeback and the teaser the day after at 12am KST and to that the marketing team should start contacting wevershop to plan about the ticket and album sale, also starting to make the poster for the tour announcement.

He barely had the time to eat that day and he honestly wasn't feeling hungry but his coworkers dragged him to the cafeteria to eat something. But before he could even eat, his alarm buzzed to remind him that he had to go to the stylist with Daniel cuz he had to try on his outfits for the concerts.

He sprinted towards the elevator and made his way to the practice room. Once he was there, he found Daniel still rehearsing and his dance teacher looking at him with a proud and satisfied smile.

He waited until Daniel was done with the song he was practicing to remind him that it was time for them to go for his appointment with the stylist.

He nodded then bid his goodbye to his dance teacher and then made his way to the bathroom to get change, leaving Beomgyu and his dance teacher Mrs Jeon Halin alone.

While waiting for the idol to come back, both of them made small talk to get to know each other and get rid of the akwardness surrounding them.

Once Yeonjun was back, they waved goodbye to Mrs Jeon then made their way to the parking lot, got into the van then Beomgyu gave the driver the address to take them.

As the driver stopped at a red fire Beomgyu saw a convenience store. He suddenly remembered that he only ate the toast that Kai forced in his mouth since 7 in the morning. They had only 30 minutes left before the appointment and they had 15 minutes of road left for them to get to the stylist.

Beomgyu was still contemplating, but Daniel asked the driver to stop the engine cuz he wanted to buy something to eat, so he was left with no choice but to buy something too.

As expected Daniel made no move to go and buy his snacks himself, so Beomgyu was the one going out to buy the snacks and drinks for both of them since the driver told them that he already ate. Plus Daniel wouldn't be able to go out since he didn't brought his cap and mask.

He asked Daniel what he wanted then noted it on his phone. Then took the company's credit card and left to buy everything.

He quickly picked up everything, scanned them himself then paid. He only took 7 minutes inside, then left the convenience store, made his way to the van then they took off again.

If you guys were wondering well of course he put Daniel's snacks in a paper bag and put his in another one. He knew that the older would pick a fight if he put them all together.

They silently ate then arrived at the appointment 6 minutes earlier. Mrs Han Jiha took them to her office then opened the opened the door of his atelier were tones of clothes were lying on the table, some on the plastic models and others on some boxes.

Daniel's outfits were on the plastic models waiting for him to try them on. They were breath taking, all of them suited the different acts of the concert.

30 minutes later the styling was done fixing and adjusting all the outfits. She only had to do some final touches and they would be ready.

They thanked Mrs Han and left the building. Beomgyu checked his phone to see what was their next schedule, and they only had 1 left which was a photoshoot for Dior then they were done for the day.

3 hours later, Bleomgyu finally got home to see Kai packing his bags. "Hyuka, what's with that bag." Kai turned his head, smiled to Beomgyu then replied "Hi hyung, well since you won't be home for a long time and I need someone to pester in my videos, I'm crashing at Taehyun's until he leave agaim."

Beomgyu looked at him with a knowing smile then said "Oh, ok.. Well have fun with your FRIEND my sweet little Hyuka." Lkai rolled his eyes then replied "Oh fuck off Beomgyu hyung."

Then they both laughed. Beomgyu helped him pack the rest of his things then sent him off. Once he was alone he sighed then decided to get into some people's nerves.


Hi everyone, I finally updated!!!!!

Pls lmk if you liked it, don't forget to vote and leave comments. Also yeah this chapter was just an insight of how busy Beomgyu was pre-comeback season, the real deal will start next update I promise.

See you guys, goodbye.

(Didn't proofread)

Mr D(evil)•||Beomjun||•Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora