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In the morning, Beomgyu woke up early and wrote a lil note for his friends then left to go to Daniel's apartment.

When he got there he saw Daniel getting out of his apartment, he greeted him warmly but the older just ignored him. He rolled his eyes then said "I said hello Daniel, I didn't sell it to you and it won't cost you anything to say it back for fuck sake."

Daniel looked at him with a gaze colder than Alaska then just put his earphones on, got in the car and started humming to one of his new songs.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes again, took a deep breath then got in the car too. The traject was painfully awkward for both Beomgyu and the driver because of the small talk Beomgyu would try to make cuz he forgot his earphones and he wanted a distraction to keep him from strangle Daniel.

As soon as they arrived at the local of the shoot, Beomgyu got out of the car faster than the speed of light. Yeonjun just looked at him weirdly, then got out.

They both entered the building and the staff started working on Yeonjun's make up, hair and clothes. While they were all busy, one of the staff accidentally dropped Daniel's phone. For a moment everything went silent, everyone froze and watched with wide eyes the scene.

The poor guy quickly bent over and picked up the phone and handed it with shaky hands to Daniel. He just took the phone back and resume scrolling through it.

Everyone including Beomgyu stared at him in shock, cuz they knew who he was. The poor guy started apologizing while shaking and fighting back his tears. Daniel looked at him smiled then said "Don't worry about it accident happens, go on with your work ok it's ok."

The boy started to cry harder but from relive. Beomgyu signaled for some staff to take him out to help him calm down.

After that everyone kept working silently cuz all of them were still in shock. Beomgyu stared blankly at Daniel then said "What just happened, don't you dare do something to this poor boy...please."

Daniel looked at him again rolled his eyes and kept on furiously typing on his phone. Beomgyu just stood there dumbfounded, he then understood that Daniel was ignoring him.

Fast forward to his last schedule, Beomgyu dropped him at the restaurant cuz the driver's day already ended so he went home. Daniel also spoke to him for the first time that day to tell him that he would go home with Soobin and to leave the car at his place cuz the driver won't come back tomorrow since it's weekend.

Beomgyu just nodded and got home. Once he arrived, he found Taehyun and Kai watching a kdrama, Twinkling watermelon (I love it sm)on TV. They couldn't stop laughing at the main actors, cuz those two boys were too funny.

He watched them with a fond smile, then made his way towards them. "Kai I'm telling you that this girl is from the future, like don't you trust my words." Taehyun said eyes still glued to the screen. Kai sighed then said "I trust you but it's the 3rd episode, how can you tell so early...what if you're wrong?"

"I'm never wrong Kai and you know that." "You know what tyun, let make a bet...if you are right I'll do whatever you want me to, and if I am then you'll do whatever I want you to do. Deal?" Taehyun smirk then replied "You know what, DEAL!" They shook each other's hands then turned their attention back to the screen.

After their dramatic exchange, Beomgyu went and sat between them then greeted them, both of them smiled them greeted him back, asked him about his day and ordered pizza and soda for dinner.

they ate still watching TV but it was another drama this time cuz they argued too much about who was right or wrong, so they settled with business proposal then Mr Queen.

It was now midnight, and surprisingly all of them were still awake watching Mr Queen and laughing at the royal chef and the head servant screaming in the forest about hom much the Queen frustrated them.

Beomgyu's phone brought him back from his trance. He took it then answered even though it was an unknown number.


-"Hi, sorry for bothering you but are you Choi Beomgyu?"

-"Yes that's me, who are you."

-"Yeah right, sorry I am Choi Soobin. I took your number from Yeonjun's phone, and since your number wasn't save in his phone I wasn't sure that ot was you."

-"OH ok, what's going on? Is he OK, did he got into any trouble?"

-"Well kinda, like he is drunk and I am tipsy so I can't drop him off plus I have an emergency flight to France in an hour so can you please pick him up? I believe that you already know the address right?"

-"Yeah you're right, I'll be there in 10 minutes thanks for taking care of him."

-"No need to thank me, he is like my big brother so of course I gotta take care of him, but thank YOU for putting up with his difficult personality, you seem like a good person and I hope that you won't give up on him, he is not a bad person deep down."

-"I know that don't worry, and yeah my parents didn't raise a weak boy so of course I will stay."

-"I'm glad to hear that. Well see you later, I don't want you to drive while talking on the phone."

-"OK Soobin-ssi, see you later."

-"Call me hung hehe, and yeah see you bye bye."

-"Bye hyung."

Beomgyu hang up, told his friends about his situation then headed to the restaurant. Once he got there, he saw Soobin sitting on a bench near the restaurant and a sleeping Daniel resting his head on his laps.

He parked his car near them and got out. Soobin smiled when he saw him then helped him get Daniel on the car then said "Thank you again for picking him up, you are the kindest person for still putting up with him when everyone else left. Thank you again Beomgyu."

Beomgyu just smiled, got in and left for Daniel's apartment. When they got there, Daniel was wide awake and was being a whiney mess, he was complaining about wanting to get home faster during, but now it was about nor wanting to leave the car cuz it was warm and comfy.

Beomgyu sighed again and said "Come on Daniel, let's get you in your bed it's 10 times warmer and comfortable there." Daniel pouted then said "You disrespectful liar,, firstly you have no respect for me as your elder, like you even called Soobinie "hyung" but not me, plus it's cold and lonely home. So leave me alone you meanie."

Beomgyu sighed for the nth time that day, and said "If I say that I'll stay with you for the night then will you come out?" The order's face literally lit up, then he aggressive nodded, messily unfastened his seat belt then stumbled out of the car.

He clinged to Beomgyu for the second time that week, and they made their way to Daniel's apartment. Beomgyu did as he did the other day but this time he stayed.


Hello everyone, how are y'all doing?? Sorry for not updating this saturday, I have so many assignments due this week and I'm still busy, but I took my only free time to work on this. So I hope you guys like it.

Also please leave a comment and vote to let me know if you liked it, and please check out my new(?) story, it's a sequel of why not me. Bye bye, see y'all next update <333

(Didn't proofread, am too busy)

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