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"So your teacher Mr Anderson just popped up out of nowhere?" Salogne asks as they walk to the bus stop.

"Yeah, he had this weird and tense demeanor. It freaked me and Simon out." Maddie tells her as she explained what had happened last night.

"Well, do you think he had anything to do with it?" The dark skin girl quizzed. Silence falls over Maddie as she thought. "I'm not sure," she told her. Salogne nods before sighing. "Well what about your ex boyfriend?" she added.

"I haven't seen him at school,"

Simon makes his way to the bus stop frantically and puts his earbuds in.

"I was thinking last night and it was weird. I mean, what was Mr. Anderson really doing there?" Simon said frantically. Maddie nods and sits down.

Salogne rested up against the metal pole listening to the two. Although everything with Maddie was still fresh, her feelings for Wally weren't.

The girl had been so hesitant on telling him the truth just due to the simple fact of rejection. I mean they were best friends.

She didn't want to ruin that small little thing that they had. But, it was a burning feeling in her heart telling her to confess so she wouldn't be confused.

"I mean it was sketchy. Anderson showed up. Right Salogne?" Simon asks the girl, completely snapping her out of her day dream.

"Yeah.." the girl says as she trailed off. "It was shitty timing, for sure. But, Simon, it's Mr. Anderson," Maddie said, attempting to defend.

Salogne wasn't completely caught up on what was going on, so she stepped away. It wasn't even her business to begin with...

She had bigger issues to worry about sadly.


Some time had went by and now Salogne sat in the same circle, but not in the same spot. She'd been zoning out and everyone seemed to notice her less snarky behavior.

𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐊Where stories live. Discover now