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Sedrick groaned, his entire body aching. He pushed himself up, surprised to find his hand sinking into silt. He pulled his hand out of it, mouth gaping in surprise as silt swirled around before sinking back down. He leapt up, only to find that now he floated just above and didn't land on his feet.

Not that he seemed to have any feet.

He slowly spun upside down, chest heaving as he tried to get his bearings. His surroundings were bathed in blue light, and he was completely weightless. He tried to right himself, somehow it was easy to tell which way was up, but his body felt... wrong. He tried to twist around to look down, but found that all he succeeded in doing was drift further upward.

Water. That was what he was breathing. He was breathing water! He must be dead. There's no way he'd be able to survive underwater. That must be why he couldn't move properly. He was in his death throes and soon his consciousness would fade away forever and he'd pass on to Paradise.

Unless he didn't pass on to Paradise. He'd always hoped that Paradise would be his reward at the end of everything. Maybe... maybe this was what he was destined to endure for all eternity. Drifting in the dark water where he died.

As he'd nearly given into despair, a lithe dark shape passed through Sedrick's field of vision. The siren, the one that he saw before. He reached out a hand to her, but she swam just out of his reach.

No touching, a voice said directly into Sedrick's mind.

He froze, fingers twitching slightly as he watched the siren circle him.

He opened his mouth to talk, but no sounds came out. The siren smiled at him, making his stomach go hollow despite the small, sharp fangs that were revealed by her smile.

Think out loud, land boy. Said the voice again. If you look at me and think about what you want to say, I can hear it.

Telepathy? Sedrick thought, eyes fixed on her as she continued to swim. He kept having to wrench his head around to keep looking at her. Each time, he drifted a little, but was still unable to move well.

The siren hummed low in her throat, but it seemed to be louder than it should. Is that how whale song works? Is siren song like that?

Land dwellers are a bit smarter than I thought about magic. She stated, pausing to float in front of Sedrick's face. Do you have magic?

Sedrick found himself a bit entranced by the siren. She was now in a better view for him to see her in full, her strong tail in dark colors and large fanned fins. Her lower belly was paler than the opposite side of her, but it seemed like the scales were black, the darkest of purple, and streaked with a deep shade of blue, but in the darkness it was hard to tell for sure. They covered her from her tail to her chest, almost to her shoulders.

Two fins sprouted from her hips, and they occasionally twitched to keep her afloat in one spot. There was also a long dorsal fin along her back, partially transparent. His eyes traced their way back to her face, her hair billowing around her head like a black cloud.

As he watched, bright points of light appeared on her tail, spiraling down her long lean form and also on the tips of her tail fins. They pulsed a pale blue, lighting up the water around them.

Have you forgotten to speak to me?

Sedrick flinched slightly, forgetting that she had asked him a question.

Sorry, you're just... beautiful.

The siren looked shocked, before looking away, a slight grin on her face. Sedrick was captivated by her smile, even the smallest one. He'd give anything to see it constantly.

I've bewitched you! The siren joked, wiggling her fingers goofily in front of herself. Sedrick noticed that her hands were webbed, a thin skin film spreading between her fingers, which were tipped with sharp looking claws. With my enchanting looks!

Well, aren't you a siren?

Not a siren, deep merwitch, she corrected, fins twitching slightly. I cannot lure land people with a song. I do not typically swim so near the surface. I prefer the deep.

Uh, that's nice and all, but you did lure me. I heard your singing.

The siren who claimed not to be a siren tipped her head to the side, looking confused.

I'm sorry, I don't come to the surface enough to see land people. I only sing to the whales and sharks. I do not sing to anyone above the surface. I'm sorry I nearly killed you.

Don't worry, I'm not dead, right? But how am I breathing? And... uh, what is your name?

She laughed, the sound dancing through Sedrick's brain.

My name is Mare. And, no, you are not dead. I saved you.

Yes, but, how am I able to breathe?

Look down, land boy.

Confused, Sedrick looked down, which was still up in relation to what was the sky. And that's when he saw it.

His own tail.

Sedrick's body spasmed in shock. He floated there transfixed, taking in the sight of his tail. Scales covered what used to be his legs, rising up until his waist where they ended and gave way to the skin of his stomach. The scales themselves were a pale shimmering green, shot through with violet patches and his underbelly glittering silver. His pelvic fins flared at his shock, even though he didn't consciously tell them to.

He cried out in shock, though it was soundless. Then Mare came up beside Sedrick, making him go rigid in surprise. She seized him by the shoulders, righting him before taking a stroke away from him. She beckoned him forward.

Taking a deep breath, Sedrick tried, but he still couldn't move his tail. He wiggled around in the water, but his tail was just dead weight. Mare looked like she was giggling to herself, before she came back and grabbed Sedrick's tail. The sudden sensation awoke the connection between his brain and tail, and now he was able to flick his own fin, just a little.

Mare carefully helped Sedrick flex his tail, bringing sensation to this strange new appendage. She even helped him with his dorsal and pelvic fins, helping him flare and press them against his tail. When she backed away again, Sedrick was now able to properly move his tail. While his movements were a little bit jerky and unfamiliar to him, Sedrick was able to slowly follow Mare as she swam ahead of him.

Come on, land boy. Keep swimming.

Sedrick grinned, swimming becoming a bit more natural the more he followed Mare. He put on a burst of speed to swim up beside the siren. He grinned at her triumphantly, before she grinned back, fangs glinting and darted off. He watched, bewildered, as she spiraled into the dark water below him, the only real thing he could see of her being the bright spots of light along her tail and fins.

He struggled to catch up, and she always stayed a few strokes out of reach. She was so fast and agile, and she just kept going deeper into the water. Eventually she slowed, floating in the water, looking up at him with wide eyes and a smile etched on her face. At this depth, Sedrick was surprised to see that he could still see very well.

You're so fast! Sedrick said, halfway upside down and looking at Mare.

I live here, land boy. I have known nothing else but the sea. Her face screwed up in thought. What is your name? You know mine. I want to know yours.

Sedrick, he replied. My name is Sedrick.

It sounds like you were meant to be part of the sea. She said, grinning.

Yeah, Sedrick agreed. It kind of does.

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