Fine Dinning

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ChIcKeN wIngS hOt doG aNd BoLogNa.


He pulled away from Six as she winced. "Sorry I was just really happy you came back, I forgot about your sore rib" Six nodded, her face was flushed and had a hint of worry. "She's worried about me? I'm just surprised she didn't leave me, I wouldn't be able to do this alone... Weird, I was sure she didn't like me. Guess it just took a while too gain her trust"

"So where did you go?" Six looked confused. "Huh? Oh I went to see if I could find anything useful. And I did, a restaurant and hospital." Mono tilted her head at her. "Did they hurt you that badly?" Six shook her head "No, just a little bruise, but painkillers wouldn't hurt to have." Mono nodded, and they stood there staring at each other. Mono took in all her facial features. Her small nose and lips. The thing he couldn't see were her eyes, covered by the hood of her new found raincoat, "Which she is absolutely killing" it was like the raincoat was meant for her.

"Follow me" Six said snapping Mono out of his trance. He followed Six in silence, watching his feet as he walked. Afraid he might start rambling and say something stupid. "Do you think I'll ever see your face?" Mono looked up with a mix of surprise and confusion. "If we are going to be friends, then I atleast deserve to see your face." She said calmly. "Friends! She said we're friends!" Mono smiled but then remembered what the conversation was about. "Uhhh, it's just..." He tried to think of an excuse so he didn't have to take off his bag. "What are you ugly or something?" Six teased, Mono just shrugged.

"Mono, who said you were ugly?" She spoke to him in a soft voice. This was new for Mono. "The kids at my school... before I got home schooled." He mumbled. Six shook her head. "Well their just rude, I'm your friend, which makes me the only one who can say if your ugly or not." She reached for his bag, Mono closed his eyes and felt a rush of heat to his face. "I don't know if I should stop her. This feeling is...nice. Like a fireplace in my heart, I don't want to lose-"

Monos face hit the outside air for the first time in a long time. It was cold and crispy. He opened his eyes and looked down at Six. He couldn't read her expression, "W-what?" He was scared to hear what she thought. "She thinks I'm hideous. Why did I let her take the bag off?" Six started laughing, Mono crossed his arms, "It's not funny, your being mean" he said embarrassed. "I'm sorry," she snickered trying to hold back her laugh "There's nothing wrong with you, it's just...I expected you too be deformed or something" Mono looked at her, she was smiling, really smiling and she didn't stop when he looked her way. "So I'm not ugly?" He smiled cautiously. "No, Mono your not ugly."

"So you think I'm handsome?" He teased, her face got slightly red and she stopped smiling, "No your just not ugly, more like average." She said not looking at him. She handed him his bag back and keep walking to the dinner. Mono looked down at his bag. "I should put it back on...for protection" he laughed to himself and followed Six. When the arrived Mono was about to push the door, but Six stopped him. "There's a bell, we don't know what's in there and that bell could alert it." She whispered, "let's find another way in." Mono nodded "She is so insightful" he found a vent that seemed to lead inside. He called Six over to help him pry it off. It didn't take much considering the rust. They climbed through the vent and ended up in a pantry. It was dark, so Mono took out his flashlight. Around them were molded vegetables and cheese. "I will never eat vegetables again" Six whispered, Mono pushed the pantry door open and saw a giant, with an apron on that said "Kiss The Chef". He was chopping some type of meat and dropping it in a pot on the stove. Mono gasped and fell backwards, Six caught him mid fall and looked out the pantry. "Oh shit" she said. Mono giggled at her use of profanity and covered his mouth. Six looked back at him "How are we going to get past that?" Mono shrugged, "You always seem to have a plan." Six sighed. Then the two heard stomping. The giant was coming to the pantry. "HIDE" Mono whisper-shouted, Six ducked behind a can of potted meat. Mono hid between jars of peanut butter. "So much peanut butter"

The Chef opened the pantry and looked inside singing the same song that the lady on the tv sung. "Probably a cooking thing" The Chef closed the door and Mono came from behind the jars. "Hey Six you can com-" The giant opened the door and saw Mono. The boy just stood in shock, as the Chef grabbed him. Mono squirmed as the giant put him in a cage. "What is he doing? Where's Six!" Mono looked around for her raincoat but he didn't see her. "She's still hiding, smart girl. She must have known he was going to open the door again?" The giant looked at him and pushed a weird mysterious meat inside the cage. Mono just looked at it and the Chef pushed it closer. "His trying to fatten me up. Never thought I'd die from soup. What about Six?" He looked around again and spotted her hiding under a table. On the table was a small key. "Probably to the cage" Six pointed at Mono and then the Chef and started to move her arms "What is she doing..." Mono shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. Six rolled her eyes, "Distract him" she mouthed. "Oh thats easy.". Mono stomped his foot and screamed, the Chef backed away, shocked and confused. He tried to give Mono a toy duck out his pocket. He just yelled louder, Mono glanced at Six. She was table with the key in hand. She was giggling to, her hand over her mouth. Mono smiled at her, and motioned for her to hurry up. "Cute Six but my life is kinda one the line...or on the stove." Mono needed to come up with something else to distract the giant. So he started to dance, terribly. He glanced back at Six, she was on the shelf now heading for him. "Okay my shows over." Mono kicked the meat. "Cooked" he said to the Chef, he nodded and took the steak putting it on the grill. Mono watched anxiously as Six hobbled over to him, "You have a very creative mind." She whispered

"Well I hoped you enjoyed it because I'm a one hit wonder." He whispered back. Six smiled, "We'll see about that" she put the key in and unlocked the cage. Carefully setting down the key, she pointed to a vent close by on the top of the wall. "We are gonna leave through there. Okay?" Mono nodded and opened the cage door. Only for it to make a loud squeak. "Man, everything here needs oil." The Chef turned around and saw the two. The froze for a minute. "Kiss the chef? No thank you." Six commented about his apron before, running and jumping on the shelves quickly. Mono wasn't as athletic as her, so he moved at a slower pace. Six waited at the vent for him, even while standing on the shelf the vent was still to high. "Hurry up Mono" Six stood with her hand cupped. The chef dived for him but missed. Mono jumped into her hand and climbed into the vent. Six grabbed his hand and looked back at the giant, "Sorry, your just not my type." She said before Mono pulled her up.

"Oh yeah? And what is your type?" Six looked at him, her face turning red. "Just shut up and keep crawling bag head" Mono laughed at her but crawled through the vent. It led to the front of a barber shop. "Damn and I didn't even get to enjoy my lovely steak. Well I think it was steak." Six giggled and rolled her eyes. "As if we're ever going back there. I give it one star." Mono smiled at her, not like she could see it. "I didn't know that you had such a sense of humor." He teased, Six crossed her arms "I can be funny when I want." Mono laughed again, "Whatever" she said turning away from him. "Lets just go to this hospital, my rib is killing me"

Word count: 1484

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