Saving Six

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She smiled at him. He felt his heart and stomach switch places, something he had never experienced before. He loved it, he wanted Six to smile at him all the time. He's only got to take it in for a minute, because she started walking to the next door way. Mono caught up with her, "So uh how did you get caught by The Hunter?" he asked wanting to know more about her. "The what?" she was confused by the name. "Oh, I was running in the woods and I got lost. I saw his light and thought he was friendly. I had never encountered a meliciuous giant before. Long story short, he wasn't trying to help, and you know the rest." Mono nodded "I wonder what she was running from"

"Why were you running? If you don't mind me asking." Six got a look Mono couldn't read, like she was considering telling him. "Home" she said finally "I was running away from home" Mono wanted to ask more but he could tell that she didn't want to talk about it. "Well if it makes you feel better I came from a TV." Six looked at him sideways. "You know what I'm not even suprised, anything could happen here." Mono laughed at this, he was happy at that moment, things felt normal. But it didn't last long, suddenly a locker came crashing down on him. The only light came from the vents in the lockers. He heard fighting and Six yelling. When he looked through the vent he saw Six being grabbed by five dolls, two were on the ground with their heads shattered. A third one joined them as Six kicked it making its head hit the floor. "SIX" Mono screamed as he tried to kick the locker off of him. The last thing he heard was Six scream his name, then the hall was silent.

Mono used all his strength to push the locker off. He jumped up and went to follow the dolls and Six. When he got to where they disappeared he saw a ladder, way out of his reach. "Okay I have to find another way to get her back. I will get her back" he went through the door and walked into what looked like a meeting. There were four dolls and each turned to look at Mono. They laughed and pounced on him. He dodged the first one as it fell to the ground with its head shattering, but he got tackled by another. Mono struggled against the doll. But it had it's hands around his throat, choking him. Mono started to lose his vision. He felt around him for something to grab and his hands fell on a metal pipe. He picked up the pipe and bashed the dolls head. Mono jumped up and got ready to swing. "Alright you bullies, let's play." A bully ran at him fast. Mono swung a his head and it popped off. The last one had a cracked head. Mono went for a low blow hitting it's legs from under him. The bully's entire body broke into peices. Mono relaxed a bit, "Well that was fun" he continued to the next room. There were two doors, one had a glass window which Mono could see through, that door lead to stairs and the other was quite. He put his ear to the door to try and hear what was happening. The sound of chalk on a chalkboard was all he heard. "A teacher, and a class full of these dolls. No thank you I think I'll go up the stairs. That's probably where they took Six." Mono pulled on the door handle but it wouldn't budge. "Locked, of course. Teacher it is." Mono opened the other door and peeked inside. All the students were facing the board not daring to look anywhere but their papers. The ugly teacher alternated between looking at them and looking at the board. "Well she's not a Mrs. that's for sure". Mono shook his head "Plan Mono you need a plan. I could run when she's not looking and hide behind each desk, then I could get into the other room. That's probably where her keys are. Six would be so proud I came up with this by myself...or she would just nod, yeah that's more believable."

Mono waited for the Teacher to turn her back before running quietly behind a kids desk. He wasn't sure if the kid noticed or not, if it did, it didn't say anything. He did this routine until he got to the door. "With my luck, this is door definitely going to be loud. I'll just be fast" He opened the door and ran to the closes hiding place he could find, in a big shoe with a small hole in the front. "Seriously a shoe was the best thing I could hide in? Welp to late now" The teacher came in the room and sniffed around. Mono watched through the hole as the lady extended her neck, it made a disgusting sound. She bended her neck around corners searching for the intruder. "Why am I always over powered?" Mono held his breath. One because the shoe reeked and two because the Teacher was right next to him. At least her head was. Luckily a student in the other room dropped a pencil. The Teacher quickly snapped her head back and went back to the classroom, shutting the door behind her. Mono exhaled, "Okay now where are those tricky keys?" He looked around and spotted them on the top shelf. "Huh?" He started to climb on the shelves. Hopping from one to another. "This is too easy."

Just as he said that, the shelf he landed on broke on one side. Causing everything to slide off, including him. He grabbed a hold of the edge before falling. "That old hag is going to be in here any minute." above him was another shelf, the shelf with the key to be exact. He swung is body around and jumped up on the higher shelf. Mono quickly grabbed the key, attaching it to his coat, and ran behind a book. But he wasn't fast enough the Teacher saw him and screeched stretching her neck. She pushed the book out the way, coming face to face with him. Mono gagged, "Hey, not be rude or anything but you breath kinda smells" The Teacher smiled showing her crooked yellow teeth. "Yeah, sorry but I have a date so gotta go bye." He ran along her neck and down her back, landing on the floor. "Nice too meet youuu" he ran out and into the classroom. All the students turned to face him. "Oh shit." He ran as fast as he could with not only the teacher behind him, but her students too. He made as many turns as he could hitting traps along the way, hoping that it would knock the bullies out, after a while he looked back to see only the Teacher following him, she extended her neck Mono felt her hot breath on his own neck. "Now I just have to deal with her, then get Six and-" he smacked into a wall, dead end, he turned around being face to face with the Teacher once again. She opened her mouth to eat him. Mono closed his eyes and braced himself.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, he opened his eyes. The Teacher got hit by a bucket. Mono was stunned, but she wasn't dead. She raised her head and smiled again. Then she got hit by another bucket from the opposite side of the first. Mono winced as the Teacher laid motionless. "Well I guess that's the end of her" Mono checked to make sure that the key was still on his coat. He sighed out of relief when he felt the cool metal. He looked around for a place to go next. Again he was met with two doors. "It's like these doors decide my future." He listened to each door. One he was sure was a cafeteria the other was quite aside from some giggling. "I'll take my chances with a few, but I need a weapon..." He grabbed a small plank heavy enough to do some damage. He unlocked the door and went inside. The first thing that he saw was Three bullies with fighting over a bat. Then his eyes landed on a girl hanging by her feet upsidedown. "Six! I found her, or am I too late? What did they do?" His mind raced thinking of all the horrible things they could have done to Six. He gripped the plank tightly. "Hey Barbies!" The bullies turned to him and screamed running for him. Mono hit the first by bringing to plank up to the bully's chin. The next creeped behind him. Mono spun quickly knocking it into the wall, it's body shattering. Mono looked around for the last bully. He heard a laugh from above him. Mono looked up as a bully was falling on him. Mono took a swift step to the right. The bully crashing onto the floor. He chuckled and then remembered Six. He ran over to her and cut the rope. She fell onto the floor. Mono held her head up to check if she was breathing. "Her blood must have rushed to her brain"

"Six, Six wake up please." He shook her gently as he heard more bullies laughing far down the halls. "Their coming."


Word count: 1600

That's a pretty number

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