Chapter 7

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"Go make thyself like a nymph of the sea..." A week before the events unfolding in the underwater lab, the trio of kids reads a book called "Daughter of the Sea". Two of the kids are unfamiliar with certain settings in the book, such as the sea.

"Bronya, what is a sea?" Seele asks.

Bronya, who is sitting next to Seele looks at her a bit confused as if the sea was someplace that Seele has never heard of till now, like a place of fairytale. "Seele, are you saying you've never been to the sea before?" Bronya questions Seele.

"Nyet, Bronya. This orphanage is the only place I've known since I was a little girl." Seele replies.

Bronya looks at Ruben sitting next to Seele reading the book as well, he notices Bronya looking at him as if expecting him to say something. "Don't look at me, I don't have a clue either besides from these stories."

Bronya just stared at the two, surprised, "Really??" She says. She tries to find a way to explain the sea to two friends who know almost nothing about it. "How should I describe the sea?" Bronya asks herself.  As she thinks of an answer to explain them, she realizes the answer that's right in front of her.

"Your eyes, Seele. They're just like the sea itself." She says. Seele's cheeks flush faintly with a hue of pink when Bronya stares into her eyes.

"Your eyes, huh?" Ruben says, catching Seele's attention. She looks at Ruben, who does the same thing and stares right into Seele's azure eyes. "hmm..."

"Jeez, you guys..." Seele becomes completely flustered from the two staring into her and grabs the book again to continue reading while Ruben and Bronya give a small chuckle while doing so.

"Summer is coming, so why don't we all go to the beach and I'll show you two what the sea is?" Bronya offers them. It would've been a fun time for the three of them, playing on the beach, enjoying the sun, and doing all sorts of fun activities together.


Everyone was caught off guard when the alarm went off, researchers went to their monitors to figure out what was happening. Ruben's mind was scrambling to process all of it, almost regretting the decision to let Seele take the test for him, even though the same thing could've happened to him or worse if he had gone instead. Seele may have saved his life. But if he thought that, then that would imply that...

He mentally fights with himself to stop assuming the worst possibility when he isn't sure himself. In his mental turmoil, he felt a cool breeze wrap around his neck like a hug, almost calming him down before he heard a voice that jolted his mind back into the real world and out of his cluster of negative thoughts.

"Goodbye Ruben, don't blame yourself for this..." It was Seele's voice, he was sure of it. Her voice is almost like an echoing whisper and he looks slightly down to see transparent arms around him. The cool breeze leaves him going up and a researcher detects something from out of the lab.

"Test subject Seele has reappeared outside the labs! Seele is moving at a high speed away from the Sea of Okhotsk."

Cocolia stared at the monitor as it pointed to a signal presumingly to be Seele suddenly popped out of nowhere at the surface of the sea. The Signal moves toward land at high speeds. "Dammit, Seele. What are you trying to do? Are you controlled by the Honkai?" She says, hoping it's not the latter.

"Potential destination of her current trajectory is Cocolia's orphanage!" One of the researchers there says. Cocolia didn't understand but she was going to put a stop to her. Whatever the reason Seele was going to the orphanage, she can't be certain if it's anything bad or good. But she will not risk her orphanage to be put in danger.

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