chapter 1 (landing on Olympus)

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(present time 1500 B.C.)

Complete silence and darkness is all I have heard and seen for god knows how long, and I still do. To the point of it becoming annoying and scary. So scary that I feel myself panicking.

Not necessarily because of the utter silence and darkness but of everything it brings. That same silence makes me hear my own heartbeat and my breathing. I can even hear the blood flooding through my veins.

My steady breathing turning uneven to the point of me hyperventilating making me feel lightheaded. And my steady heartbeat going up to the point of it becoming dangerous. I'm losing my footing and start to feel lightheaded, but I have nothing to support myself with. But I still keep walking.

And the darkness not showing any way out. It's like I'm stuck here for eternity without any chance to escape. I feel it close around me, almost choking me. Not knowing where I'm going or how long I have been walking. Another thing I'm oblivious to here.


I have no idea how long I have been here. It could be seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades. Where the hell am I anyway? What is this place? Maybe time works different here?

But all those things are nothing in compare to my biggest fear right now...

I have no clear memories of who I am or where I come from. I'm not even sure what my name is anymore. And the few memories I do have are very blurry, almost non-existent.

And without knowing how I got here, I have no idea about how to get out of here. But there is one thing I do know.

I need to get out of here.

My gut feeling tells me that this place isn't anything good while my brain keeps screaming at me to search for a way out. It's one of the only things I still hear since I'm not thinking clearly. But my body refuses to go any faster, being utterly exhausted and at the point of fainting while my heart doesn't tell me anything at all. It just keeps going up.

Until all of a sudden everything stops. My breathing, heartbeat and my body refuses to budge. The darkness starts to clear until it's a bright white light.

It starts to flash in front of my eyes from black darkness to bright light really fast making me go blind. In an attempt to protect my eyes I close them tightly and keep them closed for a minute or so.

I feel a solid ground under me and wind blowing against my skin while hearing a lot of noises. I feel grass tickling my bare feet, legs and arms. And hearing the distant chirping of birds, water streaming somewhere not far from me and even the distant voices of people.


I open my eyes and find myself looking up into a light blue sky. Taking a few seconds looking into the sky and moving my arms around me to feel the grass underneath me. It calms me down and makes my body function normally again. It feels like a confirmation that I'm not in that horrible place anymore and it's weird but It gives me relief.

I don't even know what just happened or how I suddenly got back but to be honest I don't really care right now.

I sit up looking around me, I find myself in a huge grass field in front of a huge architectural structure. A little to my left there is a little fountain, which explains the sound of water streaming. The huge grass field I'm sitting in is filled with all kinds of flowers and surrounded by plants and bushes.

Realizing I might be sitting on some flowers crushing them, I quickly stand up. Looking at the spot I have been laying and sitting on, I see a few flowers and plants have been crushed. I feel really guilty about crushing these plants though. They must have worked so hard to plant them...

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