Chapter 6: Leaving Kalos

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Everyone slowly started to get up, Greninja getting Marshadow out of his bed. Jaydin and Zoroark were much more awake than usual, despite only getting a few hours of sleep. They all got ready for the day. The family decided to get breakfast at the Pokemon Center's Cafeteria. As they all ate, they talked about their next move.

"So, now that we're done in Kalos, where are we going next?" Audino asked.

"I was thinking we could go to Alola next, if that's alright with you guys" Jaydin answered.

"It's to try to get a Z-Ring right?" Togekiss said.

Jaydin nodded. "Yeah. Although, there is another reason."

"What's the other reason?" Duraludon asked.

"Alola is a tropical Region, which makes it popular for people to go there for a vacation. So, I figured in addition to try getting a Z-Ring, we can all have a little vacation as well" Jaydin explained.

All the Pokemon grew excited upon hearing that. While none of them would admit it, they all desired a little break from traveling around and decimating all their opponents in battle.

"You should still check your bank account just in case" Zoroark whispered to him.

"I was planning to do that" Jaydin whispered back.

As it turned out, when Jaydin lost his parents, an account was created for him and it transferred all of his parents' wealth into it, as stated in his parents' will. Jaydin didn't learn of this until he became an official trainer.

To say Jaydin was shocked when he saw how much was in his account by that point would be a total understatement. He never knew his parents had so much money that they left him. What's better was he was the only one who could access it, meaning his uncle couldn't take it away from him. His parents knew he would spend it all on gambling, alcohol and cigarettes, and probably even prostitutes. So they made sure he would never get a cent.

After more than 2 years of traveling, Jaydin had accumulated more money since the account was created. Jaydin was very good with his money, hardly ever spending any of it other than things like food and care items for his Pokemon. He hasn't ever splurged even once, not understanding the value in it.

Although he'd never say it, but financially speaking, Jaydin was arguably the richest 12 year old in the world right now.

After finishing up breakfast, Jaydin recalled everyone and returned the room key. He and Zoroark left soon after.

The two just walked around for a while, taking in the sites and taking pictures together. After a few hours Jaydin finally headed to the bank to check his account. After putting in his username and password, he checked his total.

"It went up again" Zoroark said nonchalantly.

"That's weird, I assumed all the food I bought for everyone was expensive" Jaydin said.

"Jaydin, all the food you bought was less than 50 dollars, I highly doubt that would make a significant dent" Zoroark said.

"Still though, it just keeps going up" Jaydin said.

"It is weird. You haven't made a deposit in months" Zoroark said.

'Maybe someone else is depositing money. But I don't know who it could be' he thought.

He started tapping on different screens.

"What are you doing?" Zoroark asked.

"Looking for receipts. Whoever is depositing money must have their name on the receipts" Jaydin explained as he kept tapping at the screen.

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