Chapter 18 - A Sacrifice is Made

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"The Queen was terrified and offered the little man all the riches of the kingdom, if only he would leave the newborn child alone."

Adalind gets food from Renard's fridge while he holds the baby. Renard tells her she should stay away from the windows of his home because the fewer people who know she is there, the better. Renard asks her how she got to his house, and she tells him about the stolen truck. Renard's intercom buzzes and he is told that Nick is downstairs. Renard says to send him up, which doesn't make Adalind very happy. She tells Renard to make sure he is alone and to kill him if he tries to take the baby.

At Kronenberg Castle, Viktor looks at the pictures of the dead Verrat agents from the failed ambush to keep Adalind from leaving Europe. Rispoli comes into Viktor's office and says he has confirmation of the plane Adalind was on landing on the Oregon coast five and a half hours ago. Viktor asks who they have in Portland, and Rispoli calls FBI agent Weston Steward. Rispoli sends pictures of Adalind and Renard to Weston and tells him to confirm they are together right away. Viktor says they're on their way, and Rispoli hangs up.

Back in Portland, Nick arrives at the floor where Renard's condo is to find the captain standing outside the door to his apartment with a gun concealed in his hand behind his back. Renard tells Nick he hears that Nick's mother is in town and not dead like he thought. Renard also tells Nick that if he tries to take the baby, "It won't end well." Nick suggests they don't have their conversation in the hallway, so Renard puts his gun away and they go inside Renard's condo.

Outside, Kelly holding Rhett sees Weston Steward arrive, and she follows him into the condo building. She watches and listens in as Weston shows a picture of Adalind to the building guard at the front desk and asks if he has seen her in the building recently. He tells the guard that she is a witness in a federal case, and the guard says he is pretty sure he has seen her. Weston asks if he can check the security footage to make sure and the guard lets him look. Upstairs, Adalind asks what Nick wants. He tells her he isn't there to hurt her or take her baby. Nick says that his mom risked her life to help her, and Adalind asks what would she have done if she'd known she was a Hexenbiest and woges. Nick tells her that the best chance that she and the baby have is for them to work together. Nick tells Adalind and Renard that when they're ready, they'll talk, and Nick leaves.

Downstairs, Weston leaves the building and informs two men parked in a car outside the building where Adalind is in the building. The men get out of the car, and Weston heads back to his car to leave, but Kelly surprises him and slams his head into the car, knocking him out. When Nick comes out of the building, Kelly picks Rhett back up before filling him in about Weston and the fact that he is an FBI agent. She takes Nick to Weston's car and tells Nick that the agent knows Adalind is upstairs with Renard and so do the two guys he sent around back. The two men blow the lock off the back door and head up the stairs. Upstairs, Renard tells Adalind he will do everything he can to protect the baby, so she should stay with him. Adalind asks if that means they are back together, and he says he guesses so. While they are talking, Renard gets a call from Nick to warn him about the men on their way up. Renard hangs up and tells Adalind they need to go. They head to the elevator, and as soon as they get to it, Nick comes out of one. He tells them to be quiet for a second, and he uses his enhanced hearing to figure out the men are coming up the stairwell. A Hundjäger opens the door and charges at Nick, who uses him as a body shield as the other man shoots, killing the Hundjäger. The man tries to hide around the corner as Nick returns fire, but Kelly runs up the stairs and makes the man shoot himself with his gun before throwing him over the railing. They see that the two men are Verrat and leave the building.

Monroe and Rosalee are in bed making out when Nick calls. He catches them up on most of what has just happened, including that his mom is back in town and that Adalind is also back with a baby and needs protecting. Monroe and Rosalee are both shocked that Captain Renard is the father of the baby, and Nick says they need a safe place for Adalind and the baby to stay, so he, his mom with Rhett, Renard, Adalind, and the baby are on their way over.

Weston wakes up as multiple police cars drive up in front of the condo building. As officers go inside, he drives away.

Everyone arrives at Monroe and Rosalee's home, but before they go in, Adalind says she wants to know where she is, but she is told by Kelly that it's better she doesn't know, that way, the people after her won't know where to look. Suddenly, Kelly's locket floats out of her pocket into the baby's hands. They all watch in shock before they head into the house. Nick and Renard thank Monroe and Rosalee for helping out. Rosalee gets Adalind and the baby settled, while Monroe pulls Nick aside to ask why he is helping Adalind. Nick explains that the Royals are after the baby because of her "pretty impressive" powers and they'll kill to get to her. Everyone watches as Adalind sets the baby down as Rhett walks over and holds his hand out. The baby takes Rhett's outstretched hand and her eyes glow and Rhett turn pitch black. Adalind, who had the best view of what happened is shocked seeing Rhett's black eyes. Renard tells Kelly that, under different circumstances, they may have tried to kill each other. Kelly brings up that he tried to kill her sister, and Renard says it's because she had a key, but if he knew what he knows now, he would have approached things differently. Nick states that they need to go, and Adalind isn't happy to hear Renard is leaving. Adalind asks Kelly if she wants her locket back, but she says the baby can keep it. After they all leave, Adalind tells Rosalee that she doesn't want to be alone, and Rosalee says she won't be. Outside, Kelly tells Renard that the biggest mistake Adalind made was coming to him, and as long as he has his child, he, Adalind, and the baby will be vulnerable the rest of their lives. 

In his house, Weston pours a drink and wonders, "What am I going to tell them, they are going to kill me." Kelly, standing behind him, asks him if he is talking about the Royals. Weston woges into a Hundjäger in surprise that someone else is in his house. He starts walking towards Kelly, but Nick and Renard also appear. Renard punches Weston, knocking him out. Once Weston wakes up, he is interrogated by Renard. Renard punches him a few times and notices that the last call on Weston's phone is from Vienna, so he calls it back, but he hangs up after a few seconds. He woges and grabs Weston's throat after asking who called. Weston says it was Rispoli and that Rispoli and Viktor are on their way to Portland for the baby. Nick tells Weston that if he doesn't do what they say, then he will be arrested because they can connect him to the two dead Verrat agents at Renard's condo building and being on the payroll of the Royals, among other things. Nick gives Weston a piece of paper with an address on it "where the baby is" to give to the Verrat and Viktor when they arrive.

Nick calls Hank to inform him that Adalind is back, and Hank meets Nick, Kelly, and Juliette at Nick and Juliette's home. Hank is caught up on everything, including that Adalind now has a baby and that Captain Renard is the father. Nick tells Hank about the Hundjägers at Renard's condo building, including an FBI agent working for the Royals. Hank then asks what he can do. Juliette decides to make some food for everyone. She tells Kelly to get Rhett's food and feed him.

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