Chapter 5 - El Cucuy, The Boogieman

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"Duérmete niño, Duérmete ya...Que viene el coco Y te llevará. Duérmete niño, Duérmete ya, Que viene el coco, Y te comerá.."  "Sleep child, sleep now... Or else the Boogeyman will come and eat you."

Two weeks ago at a gas station mini store, a gas station attendant, Aldo Alfonso, goes to pick up a sign that was blown over by the wind. When he returns to the store, he is attacked by two robbers. One of them hits him multiple times in the head with his gun while the other one goes for the money. When the one robber finishes emptying the till, he kicks Aldo a couple times in the stomach and back. The other robber follows with a kick to the face, knocking Aldo out before the two run off. Later that night, the attack is on the news and security footage shows the attack. In the hospital, Aldo's Mother sits by his bed while he is hooked up to many machines. In Spanish, she says the people responsible won't get away with what they did. She then makes an impassioned plea for someone to find those responsible and to not let her son die. In a motel room somewhere, a creature is watching the news. Its arm and hand are woged, and in response to the coverage of the attack, the creature drags its claws along the arm of the chair, rending the upholstery with rage.

Juliette is at home with Rhett on her lap, looking at the email from "M", trying to figure out who it could be from. Nick walks in the door, and Juliette tells him his medical reports were good. She then calls him over and shows him the email from "M" and he reads it. She tells him the email came in a couple hours ago, asking who "M" is. Nick tells her it is his mother, but Juliette doesn't believe him at first thinking she was dead. Nick thinks that she may be in trouble based on the email. Juliette asks how long he's known she was alive, and Nick tells her last year when she went into labor, and that Kelly also came with him to Juliette's hospital room. Nick tells her about Akira Kimura breaking in and attacking him. He may have died if it wasn't for his mother. Juliette holding Rhett, questions Nick who died in the accident if Kelly was still alive, and Nick says it was a friend of hers. Nick tells Juliette that his mom is also a Grimm. "Why didn't she stay?" and Nick tells her, "She had to go because of some things she did here." He explains the email means she is in trouble, but sadly there is nothing he can do to help her. Juliette sets Rhett down and hugs him.

In Vienna, Adalind is getting an ultrasound. The doctor says that she can hear two heartbeats, but Adalind isn't having twins. The doctor tells Adalind it could have just been an echo and not to worry. As Adalind walks out of the building after her appointment, Sebastien takes a picture from his car across the street. Meisner comes out of the building soon after Adalind and he walks up to Sebastien. Sebastien tells Meisner that he needs to get Adalind's medical records as soon as possible, but to be discreet.

Back in Portland, the two guys that robbed Aldo go to a small market and hold everyone up at gunpoint while they empty the register. Once they finish, they run out to get in their getaway vehicle. Before the driver can open his door, he is grabbed from behind and knocked to the ground where a creature slashes his throat with their claws. The other robber looks to see what happened and then tries to run, but is chased down by the creature and gets his throat slashed as well.

Franco shows Nick and Hank around the crime scene and tells them a neighbor heard the screams, so he called the cops and is waiting in Franco's car. Nick and Hank go talk to the neighbor, and he says the murders sounded like a dog attacking. After they finish talking to the neighbor, they go investigate the robber's car. They find both the robber's wallets and identify them as Eddie Otero and Alfredo Guzman. In the back seat, Nick discovers two masks, two guns, and a bag of money from robbing the mini market. Nick and Hank head to the market where David Florez is shouting and basically blaming the cops for what happened like he has done at multiple other scenes recently. Wu leads them into the store, and they head to the back to look at the security footage. They identify three potential witnesses and plan to bring them in to be asked questions once they can identify them.

Juliette is on the computer at her house tracking the IP of the email Nick's mom sent to try to figure out where she is. A few seconds later the results show that the IP address came from Visnja Gora, Slovenia.

At the precinct, Nick and Hank are talking with their first potential witness of the robbers. He said he didn't see what happened and didn't see any dogs. The second person brought in, Mrs. Garcia, tells them she didn't remember seeing anything, and she was hoping the neighborhood would be safer. The third person brought in said as soon as he left the store, he got on a bus to go home. He says the bus stop is a couple blocks from the store, and he didn't see anything that happened. Nick and Hank ask him if he knows about any dogs in the neighborhood, and the man says Ray Bolton does and that he heard Bolton fights his dogs on weekends.

Nick arrives home, and Juliette excitedly runs up to him and tells him she tracked his mother's IP address and that it is in Slovenia. Nick says his mother is on her way to Greece alone. He picks Rhett up and holds him before his phone goes off and with a groan, he hands Rhett back to Juliette before leaving the house.

At the precinct, Hank tells Nick that the two dead robbers are known associates of Ray Bolton. They leave the precinct and head to Bolton's house. Bolton tells them his dogs didn't do anything, and Hank tells him they need to be swabbed just in case. He tries to not allow animal control to get his dogs, and Nick pushes Bolton back, which gets him to woge. Nick is unsure of what species Bolton is, but Bolton recognizes Nick as a Grimm. Unfazed, Bolton tries to attack Nick, but Nick throws him to the ground and arrests him. As Bolton is getting put into Nick and Hank's car, David Florez walks up saying it's about time Bolton was arrested, angering Bolton in the process.

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