Sincere feelings

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Yibo slowly opens his eyes and yawns softly, when he glances at the window, the sky was already darker, when he looked at the clock, it was 7 in the evening, he sighs deeply and rubs his eyes, he then looks at his four month old tummy and smiles, he gently caresses it while smiling warmly

"Ah baby..I am waiting to hold you so much..just come out already", Yibo utters softly, he then sits up on the bed and gets off from there, "Ah-Xian must be downstairs..lets eat Papa's pancakes", He says while looking at his stomach and walks downstairs while smiling, there he saw Mrs.Xiao and Mr.Xiao sitting on the living room while talking with eachother

"Mom, dad", Yibo calls softly while walking downstairs, Mrs.Xiao and Mr.Xiao now both turns towards the boy and smiles warmly, "Oh dear, how well did you sleep?", Mrs.Xiao asks while quickly walking towards the other and holds his arms, "Thank you mom, the sleep was great", Yibo answers nodding

"Ah~ that's great, how are you feeling now? Can you walk little long now?", Mr.Xiao asks looking towards the boy who nods while smiling towards him, Mrs.Xiao then makes the boy sit on the couch, "You shouldn't walk like this Bobo, you just have to take rest for following days", She says while caressing the boy's hair lovingly

"Mom, I am already too tired of resting enough in the hospital", Yibo responds while pouting, whereas Mr.Xiao chuckles hearing this, "How can you get tired while resting?", he asks with a grin, "Dad~", Yibo pouts more and now looks at Mrs.Xiao, "Mom, where is Xian?", He asks

"Ah-Xian has gone out to bring things from convenient store, he will be back soon dear", She answers while sitting beside him, "Oh..okay", Yibo nods and gently caresses his stomach, "Are you craving something, son?", She asks softly, "Yes..actually Xian's pancakes", the boy answers grinning

"I will make you some then", Mrs.Xiao says while smiling and gets up from the couch, "No mom, it's okay..I will not eat, no need to make", Yibo utters quite immediately, he didn't wanted to make his mother-in-law work, who chuckles cupping his face, "Oh boy..I know how craving feels like, let mother make it okay?", she says gently

"Its okay mom, I am not craving that much actually so..", Yibo smiles and grabs her wrist then makes her sit beside him again, "You just sit here and stay with me", he says and rests his head on his mother's shoulder who chuckles lightly and caresses his hair gently, "Okay you say", she utters softly

After some time, the door opens revealing Zhan there, he walks in the house with bags and to the living room, there he saw his whole family sitting on the living room, Yibo when saw his husband immediately stands up and walks towards him, Zhan smiles widely and embraces the boy warmly in his arms, after keeping the bags down

"I missed you", Yibo utters softly breaking the hug and looks at the other who chuckles and pecks his cheek, "I am here now..I knew you missed me, that's why I brought something for you as an apology Bobo", Zhan says softly while poking his titled wife's nose gently

"What is it Xian?", Yibo asks immediately with excitement in his eyes and tone, Zhan chuckles and bends down, he takes something out from one of the bag and extends it towards Yibo, which was like an expensive box, the other smiles and takes it, he opens the box slowly and there was a beautiful shiny bracelet, with a small diamond flower like style in the middle

Yibo's eyes widens and he gasps while staring at it, he looks at Zhan and gets stunned, "Is..Is this for me?", he asks not being able to believe this diamond bracelet actually belonged to him now, "Whom should I bring it for then Bobo?", Zhan asks while staring at the other feeling happy, "Uhm! I am also here for that kind of gifts", Mrs.Xiao suddenly utters while fake pouting

Zhan looks at her and chuckles, " are too old for these kinds of things and also that pout doesn't suits you", he teases making his mother's eyes widened, she gasps loudly whereas Yibo and Mr.Xiao laughs, "Only my bobo is beautiful and cute in this whole world", Zhan continues and pinches Yibo's cheek who giggles

"Give me, I will wear you the bracelet", Zhan takes the bracelet and starts hooking it on Yibo's wrist gently, whereas the other boy was still mesmerised by the beauty of the diamond bracelet which Zhan brought for him, "Wow it looks gorgeous on you darling", Zhan utters looking at his wife and his wrist

"Really, you brought us nothing Zhan?", Mr.Xiao asks in disbelief, "Yes I brought..Vegetables, mushrooms, meats, and ice cream for my bobo", the other boy answers while scrunching his nose, "Just say this that you brought nothing for us in simple words", Mrs.Xiao says in disbelief

"My mom is so intelligent", Zhan says and holds Yibo's hand, "Lets go and eat the Ice cream bobo, and also, do you want to eat pancakes made by me?", he asks sweetly, Yibo's eyes twinkle hearing this and he nods rapidly, "Yes! Pancakes and ice creams! Thank you are the best!", He says and hugs his husband again

Whereas Mrs.Xiao and Mr.Xiao were watching with happiness but also grief. Happiness of that Zhan has finally get to love Yibo and grief was of that this Happiness of Zhan will soon be over. They were thinking the same and glances at each other, both gave each other a ressuring smile and a slight nod, thinking that it will be okay

On the other side, Zhan was making pancakes for Yibo who was leaning on the counter watching him make the pancakes. "My husband's so handsome", Yibo utters with a smile. Hearing those words coming out from Yibo, Zhan chuckles and looks at the other, "You think so? Because I think you are the most attractive from this whole world", He responds winking at the boy who shakes his head as no while giggling

"No no, you are more handsome than me, and I am sure of it", Yibo replies back, "Okay, You are not handsome than me..but you are more beautiful than me, okay?", Zhan leans towards the boy and pecks his cheek who pouts, "XianXian, you have only been pecking my forehead or cheeks..but why didn't you kiss my lips like you always did?", he asks pouting

Zhan felt speechless hearing that, he didn't know how to handle the situation can he kiss his own brother's husband on the lips?

"Is it that you don't love me anymore?", Yibo says sadly, he have seen the difference in Xian after his accident and his heart hurted thinking that maybe his husband has changed. Just then before he could say anything, the other leaned in and kissed him deeply while closing his eyes, Yibo felt butterflies roaming in his stomach and he kisses back while shutting his eyes.

After a good 8 seconds of kissing, Zhan finally broke the kiss gently, "I love you bobo..I love you more than anything, I love you more than myself..", He utters softly and with the most sincere tone, he genuinely looks like he loves Yibo to death, he fell very deeply for his own brother-in-law while impersonating his brother

'..More than Xian itself..I really love you'

Zhan utters deeply in his own heart, whereas Yibo was smiling hearing this all from him, "I love you too Xian..more than anything, I love you the most", he utters smiling genuinely. They both were genuine and sincere with eachother, just the difference was that, Zhan was not Xian.




Heya! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please give it a lot of love, I am sorry for making it short but really I wanted to upload it as soon as possible.

Love ya!

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