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"Zhan..please, why are you so much busy this days?", Wuxian spoke sighing heavily on the call with his twin brother, he was requesting Zhan to come at his wedding, but the other was turning it down saying that he is busy, "Aish Xian, I also want to visit your wedding, but as you already know that It's not even been a year me joining this course...the teachers would get angry you know if I stay absent for long", The other side Zhan responded trying to make his brother understand

"But you can stay for just 1 need to stay too long", Wuxian uttered desperately throwing a fit tantrum towards his brother who sighed heavily on the other side, "1 week is a long time Xian", Zhan spoke after sighing, "It's not", the other replied immediately and continued, "Don't you miss your family here?"

"Why are you asking me this..", Zhan asked with a sigh, "I do miss you, mom and dad alot, but you know right how my course goes? Even a single day absent make me to leave a lot of titles in the chapter..won't you think how much I'll miss if I come there to attend your wedding?", he said making his brother understand, who didn't said anything and stayed in silent, nor Zhan uttered anything neither him

".....You just don't want to see Yibo right?", Wuxian suddenly asked after a staying in silent for few seconds, "W-what? What are you talking about?", Zhan asked hesitantly as quickly as possible, "You just don't want to meet with Yibo again..that's why you're making this useless reasons to not attend my wedding", Wuxian answered with rather low voice than usual

"N-no why would I do that?..You already know how busy I am", Zhan tried to cover up quickly, he wanted to attend the wedding but he knew that he was not ready to see Yibo getting married with his twin still hurts him when he sees their photos together, Yibo is always hunting him, Zhan ran very away to hide from that feelings but still Yibo's thoughts never left him..

"It's okay Zhan, don't come..I'll tell mom and dad too, I hope you're taking good care of yourself there..", Xian uttered changing the topic, he knew his brother is not ready to talk about it and he's mature enough to understand it, they know eachother very much, they share everything to each other...but for the first time Wuxian is having difficulties in sharing something and he never wants to share that with anyone..his Yibo

Wuxian wont take the risk now to loose his dearest little heart, Oh, how long he have been waiting for this marriage, it was his first dream to make a small family with someone very special to him and now it's going to be true

"Yes I'm great here, what about you Xian?", the other asked trying to sound cheerful as much as he can, but can he hide anything from his own twin? No. Wuxian could hear the bit uneasiness in his brother's voice

"Alright, call me tomorrow, bye Zhan", He uttered looking out from the window, watching the clear full moon,  "Will do, good night", the other replied and cut the call without any further, he felt jealous of his own brother

Zhan stared at his mobile blankly, and after some time smiled, "Congratulations Xian...", he uttered softly with the most bitter way ever, he took a deep breath and released it slowly closing his eyes, "Finally you're getting I don't have to think about you all the time..your husband will take care of you from now on..", he said and threw himself on the soft bed

"Aish! I'm not able to fall asleep..", Zhan uttered irritated and got up, he walked towards his drawer and picked up a dress, he dialed someone's number while humming a song, "Hello?", the other side picked up quickly and spoke

"Hey Yubin, wanna hang out?", Zhan asked throwing the dress on the bed, "Now?", the other asked with a slight surprise, "Yup", he answered

"Sure..Where?", Yubin asked, "The Love bird club...of course", Zhan replied wearing the shirt, "Okay, will meet you there then", Yubin said and cut the call when the other responded with "hm", Zhan looked himself at the mirror and didn't urged to smile looking at his attractive face and body, he knew today he'll get someone in the club

Mine. (𝚉𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚒 𝙵𝙵) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang