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You were skipping class smoking a cigarette you had got from the Weasley twins. You had potions with Snape! "Shit" you muttered to yourself. You ran straight to the lesson wiped off the ash placed on the skirt and turned the rusty doorknob slowly.

As you entered the lesson there stood a dark shadowy figure slowly turning to you. You instantly looked up at his face it was Snape. He looked furious.
"And where might have you been Y/L/N" Everyone stared at you as if it was normal for you to skip.
"Ba- Bathroom sir." You stuttered.
"Is that so?" He stepped towards you.
"Wha- Yes sir"You were scared of Snape, He was the most unfair teacher in Hogwarts.
"Sit in your normal seat-,
I suggest you do not be late for my lesson again, Y/N"

Your normal seat was next to Draco Malfoy, Your sworn enemy since you were 10.

"You smell of cigarettes" Draco cackled.
"Shut it, Malfoy"
"Wait till Professor hears about this" Draco opened his mouth.
You quickly wrapped your hand in front of his mouth to stop him from speaking.
"It's not like you smoke, Yes Malfoy I am not stupid." You slowly took your hand off his mouth as he was gasping for air.

"Lost your breath over me, Wow Malfoy did not know you felt that way about me,"
"Shut up Y/L/N. I swear."

A few hours passed by and it was time for Dinner in the Great Hall.
You found your usual spot as a voice echoed in your ear.
"Y/N, Why were you late you knew it was Professor Snape?"
You turned on your heels to look who it was.
"Nice to see you too Hermione, I did not know I swear!"

You sat down as Dumbledore did his speech before everyone started eating.
"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to announce that we have Rubeus Hagrid teaching you about Magic creatures in the forest, starting tomorrow.

Everyone stood up cheering and clapping as Hagrid tried standing up knocking everything over on the table.

After dinner, everyone headed back to their common rooms as you waited to head to the Astronomy Tower.
You made your way up the spiral stairs when you spotted a figure as you slowly stepped closer you saw its Platinum blonde hair.
"Malfoy?" You whispered
He turned around with a joint in his hand as smoke realest into the air.
"I knew it" You gasped taking a cigarette out of your bra.
Draco handed you the lighter as you sat next to him. You put the cigarette into your mouth and lit the lighter having your hands around it.
You put the lighter next to Draco as you took your first puff inhaling the smoke into your lungs and forcing it back out of your mouth.
"Why are you up here?" You questioned
"I could ask you the same thing
"To smoke, what does it look like you idiot?"You stood up walking to the glass window opposite Draco.
"Do not call me an idiot" He stood up marching towards you.
"Well yeah, what are you gonna do about it."
He grabbed your waist and shoved you against the old brick wall. He locked both your hands in his warm right hand and pulled it on top of your head leaving your body inches apart.
You felt his warm breath touch your ear as he moved closing so your two chests were touching.
Your breathing became one.
"You do not want to know Y/L/N"
"is that so" You leant forward as your mouth touched his ear your warm tongue glided up his ear as he gasped out a small moan.
You giggled as he took his head back looking at you.
you were staring into each other's eyes for a few minutes, as your heads got closer and closer then your lips touched he grabbed your face pulling you in as you grabbed his hair.
His tongue entered your mouth as you slid yours into his, Your tongues were dancing perfectly.
You both pulled away gasping for air. You looked him in the eyes as he grabbed your waist letting go of your face.
"I have the dorm to myself tonight" He questioned. "Oh really"You giggled.
As you walked through the Hogwarts corridors you saw a small shadow walking about.
It was Filch's cat."Shit, Shit"
You heard a voice echoing the corridors."Who goes there, Who's there." You and Draco legged it backwards down a long corridor.
You grabbed him by his black shirt and dragged him to the closest closet you could find.
Filch's voice still echoed in the hallway.
"Fuck my life!" You gasped out of breath. "How are we gonna get back to our dorm now"

Draco stared at you as he lifted your head with his fingers.
You looked him in the eye as he unbuttoned your shirt revealing your black laced bra.
"Malfoy we are in a closet"
"So" He made his way down to your last button. He started unbuttoning his shirt slowly.
He grabbed the top of your thigh lifting you closer to him your hands were wrapped around his neck as he started kissing your neck slower and slower making his way down to your tendered breasts.
Your neck swung backwards as you let out a small moan.
He knelt on the floor on one knee then the other and leisurely placed you down.
He unbuttoned your skirt and pulled it off unrushed.
He widened your legs as he grabbed your upper thighs with his warm hands pulling you closer to his body.
He started to pull your black lace panties off as he stared into your eyes.
He leaned closer to your vagina and you felt his balmy breath touching you.
Suddenly, His tongue began rubbing up and down your clit slowly but sped up each time.
A loud moan escaped your mouth as you heard a giggle reflecting around the room.

Malfoys Pleasure Where stories live. Discover now