||Chapter 1||

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Nightmare feel himself wet... Wait he's in side of the lake. What happened? He also want to know how did he fall into lake in first place because he remembers he was dying after killing Dream. 

"Ugh.. My head." Nightmare's head hurt a bit. 

It probably hits a rock... Wait, is he a human now? 

He quickly look at the lake to see his reflection and indeed... He is a human now. 

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"What the fuck?!?!" Nightmare is confused that he even cursed confusedly. 

Well he looks kinda hot as a human. 

Ahem, I mean- Nightmare panicked as he sees his own reflection. How is he a human? Was this a punishment from God? Probably not because why on earth would God make a cruel monster as a hot human?

It took him a moment to calm down so he can think realistically... Even though this situation is not realistic at all. 

He look behind him, it's deep woods. He wonders what he can find there. He don't have much choice since staying near lake probably won't be a good idea. He has human skin, which mean he can get cold and die. He need to find something to keep his warmth at least.

As got up and walked towards the woods. He knew humans are weak but human skin are too soft, walking barefoot really hurts his feet. Seems like this is God punishment after all. 

"Shit... Where the hell am I?" Nightmare muttered to himself. 

Suddenly, he heard footsteps... No, someone is running towards him—!!

In quick defense, a sword formed from the air. Nightmare took it and blocked whoever attacked him just now. 

The attacker has long blonde hair and golden moon eyes... Wait, is it...? 

"DREAM?!" Nightmare gasped as he realized the human in front of him is Dream. 

"Huh— Wait, brother?!" Dream almost dropped his spear but he quickly get on his guard again. 

... Well this is awkward now. 

At least for Nightmare, Dream is still short and look feminine so he feels proud to be handsome in this whatever happened.

"What are you laughing at...-" Dream frowned. "I guess you also died huh? Told you about the balance but you didn't listen, did you?" 

"Ugh whatever. What's done is done." Nightmare rolled his eyes. "Where are we?" he asked impatiently. 

Dream sighed, he expected this behavior from Nightmare. 

"Before I explain something. Brother, can you bend over? The forest can hear us so I need to whisper..." Said Dream. 

Nightmare is quite bothered by it. Yet he does what Dream asked him too because he is clueless about this new surroundings. 

Before Nightmare could react, Dream knocked him out by using his spear. 

"HAH—" Dream slightly laughed. "Oh my Nim.. I never thought that'll would work." 

Dream tied his hair up before trying to carry Nightmare. As he try to lift his brother up, it was a total fail so Dream ended up dragging Nightmare's unconscious body out from the woods... Well that'll leave some bruises on his body. 

They arrived at the tree of feelings... Its still alive...? 

Where are they exactly...? 

"Good evening, Mother." Dream greeted the tree. There was no response. "I found brother. I didn't expect for him to be here nor he recognized me first... If he didn't, I would probably accidently killed him...-" 

Dream then placed Nightmare under the tree and tied him up using vines he found. There are no humans or monsters expect for the twins. It's quite lonely but Dream got used to it in the first day he arrived. 

How weird...

Are they in the past? No that can't be. 

Dream and Nightmare are both humans in this world, they also are in adult look. 

They used to be skeletons... But in this world they're not anymore. 

If this truly Nightmare's punishment from God, then why Dream is here? 

Maybe... This is something different. Maybe this is their second chance in life to mend everything? Yeah... Hopefully.. 

Let's see how the story flow... Happy ending or bad ending... Maybe nothing at all. 

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