Hear Me Out

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"What do you mean you lost it? It never moves. It's bolted down! "

"Sir, please. I wasn't even on shift! Ask Y/N! Please, I promise The Marionette was safe in her box by the end of my day! I double check! "

Your eyes fluttered and for a moment it looked like glitter covered your eyes, then it cleared, revealing bright florescent lights that stung your retinas.

"Just go home! You're done for the week until this is figured out! "

"... Yes sir."

Footsteps sounded, a familiar sound rubbing your ears softly.

Henry was here.

You groaned, making your awakening apparent as you sat up and huffed out the pain within your joints. It felt like everywhere your body attached itself was frail, held together by childrens glue or a couple stables knotted together. Henry twisted his spine to look at you, dropping to his knees beside you as you laid on a bench in his office.

"Y/N? " Henrys gentle voice warmed your tainted soul, the horrible memories of last night creeping back too quickly for you to handle. You whimpered, weakly leaning towards him until he embraced you. "Please, speak. "

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you... " You muttered dryly, your throat itching with agnoy as if you had gotten a cold overnight. Damn it all.
You rub your eyes and look at him, drifting your hand close; his light brown hair was soft between your fingers whilst you ran them through his locks. You felt your heart break, imagining the sadness he's been through his whole life, especially recently. You were far too blind to see the truth, blinded by your own bobby's and interests, blinded by love.

"It's okay. "
He seemed to understand what was going on. It soothed you. Your dear friend...

"Henry I... " You broke, biting your lip as it quivered between your clenched jaw. "I.. I didn't know. " You muttered. He rubbed your wrist, warmth cupping your flesh in the cold room, your body trembling inside like your organs wouldn't sit still.
You felt so... Inhuman. Broken.


How could he lie? Play you like a toy, like an animal he lead on a leash as he took your heart and pounded it into pieces.
You can't even imagine him right now.

"Why were you back there? What drove you to look? "

You opened your eyes, exhaling. "Springtrap has been weird since... That night. " You hummed. "And I had nightmares, but honestly it was just the nightmares and the voices. It's so weird. I can't explain it and I don't think you'd believe me. Maybe I'm crazy.. "

"... Tell me, please. "

You looked into his soft, broken brown eyes. They shook within themselves, his orbs ruined by his emaciated lifestyle, starved of joy.

"I fell for him. " Henry's brows struck together, stitched as they scrunched his face into a contorted look you knew was truly horror and nothing else.

"A robot? "

"William." You mumbled. "I fell in love with a dead man walking and somewhere in my mind I thought we'd even grow old together... God.. " Henry flinched, clearly uncomfortable and mortified.

"You're disgusting. "

"... Thanks. " You felt yourself shrivel up a bit from that, hurt. He sighed. "Maybe I fell in love with the thought of him, a fantasy. " Henry was quiet, so you kept talking. "I don't know what it was but I definitely loved him... But the voices, the nightmares, it was too much and then one night everything just flipped. The animatronics weren't searching for me, it was cold, eerie. They called for me and I was so curious I.. " You thought of Cassidy, Elizabeth, Jeremy.. Those kids...

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