Daring The Dead

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Eurasia: "Hello, Kestrel."

Kestrel: "Why am I here? I'm dead."

Eurasia: "Yes, I know. It's literally called Daring The Dead!"

Scarlet: "I thought you said there are sparkly thing here!" *Gasps* "Kestrel!"

Kestrel: *Growls* "Scarlet!"

Eurasia: *Groans* "BTW, you guys are ghost now, so you can't touch anything or anyone."

Scarlet and Kestrel: "WHAT?! But I wanted to kill her myself!"

Eurasia: *Chuckles* "Seems like you guys aren't that different."

Scarlet and Kestrel: *Glares at her*

Eurasia: "Sooo... I dare you to kiss each other!" *Laughs*

Scarlet and Kestrel: "Ew! No way!"

Eurasia: "If you do, I'll turn both of you...um, Un-dead. I can do that, I'm animus."

Scarlet and Kestrel: *Glares then quickly touches snout*

Eurasia: "Cut! Oh yeah, I'm gonna send that video. The DoD's gonna love that video, and Peril."

Kestrel: "Now make us alive!"

 Eurasia: "Sorry, no can do. Scarlet is too dangerous. Sorry not sorry."

Scarlet: "WHAT?!?!"

Eurasia: *Vanishes* "Bye..."


*All the DoD's phone rings and everyone starts texting*

Glory_queen: Barf.

Tsunamithewarrior: Eww!

Clayeatsfood: Wow. That's so weird

*Sunny*like*sun*: Oh gross.

Starflightisgenius: That is very odd. I am certain they would not have kissed if they knew.

Glory_queen: Gee, thanks genius.

Tsunamithewarrior: Starflight got emotional damage!

*Sunny*is*like*the*sun*: Be nice to each other, guys!

Kinkajou: "Peril!!!!" 

Peril: "Hm?"

Kinkajou: *Shows Peril the video*



Peril:..."Oh, that's disgusting."

Peril and Kinkajou: *Starts laughing*

This one might be my least favorite. It's so bad. T_T

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