Wings of Potter

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Eurasia: "Jade Winglet! I'm gonna turn you into Harry Potter characters!"

Winter: *Groans* "Who dared you?"

Eurasia: "Kinkajou did."

Kinkajou: *Giggles*

Eurasia: "First.... Moonwatcher!"

Moon: *Turns into Hermione Granger* "Um, ok, not that bad..."

Eurasia: "Next... Qibli, Turtle, Winter, then Kinkajou!!"

Qibli: *Turns into Harry Potter* "Nice!"

Turtle: *Turns into Neville Longbottom* "Aww."

Winter: *Turns into Draco Malfoy* "WHAT!?"

Kinkajou: *Turns into Ginny Weasley* "Yay!"

Peril: "....Hello? What about me?"

Eurasia: "Umm.... OK, if you want. You probably won't."

Peril: *Turns into Voldemort* "NO HELL! TURN ME BACK!"

Eurasia: "Sheesh, okay, okay."

Peril: *Turns into Peril* "Yeah, good to be myself again. BTW, why is Kinkajou Ginny?"

Eurasia: "Better ideas?"

Peril: "No.

Eurasia: "Moon is Hermione 'cuz they're both smart and stuff. Turtle is Neville 'cuz they're kind shy and bad at stuff. Sorry, dude."

Turtle: "-_-"

Eurasia: "Anyway, Qibli is Harry 'cuz they both had a 'dramatic' family past. Winter is Draco 'cuz they were both kinda mean and stuff. You're Voldemort 'cuz you killed many dragons."


Eurasia: *Shrugs* "Ok."

JW: *Turns back*

Kinkajou: "Awww, man!"

Turtle: "Phew, It felt so weird being Neville."

Winter: "I hate Malfoys."

Qibli: "Really? I always thought you guys would be perfect friends!"

Winter: "Shut up."

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