Leave ~ Ch4

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3rd Point Of View

10 Years Ago

Toji flinched with pain, his hands gripping onto his clothing as he forced himself to stay sat in place. The boy's eyes were clenched shut, hissing quietly through gritted teeth. (Y/n) pursed her lips as she continued to apply gel to the boy's bottom lip, for herself not to falter due to the fact that he was in pain.
"Are you sure that gel is even going to help? This is probably just a waste of time- it's going to scar either way." Toji grumbled.

"Stop talking! I can't keep a steady hand when you move around like that!" (Y/n) scolded, "And yes, this is what they do in the movie so it must be right!" Toji rolled his eyes at her reasoning, sighing.
"Don't they put alcohol on the cut in the movies?" Toji countered with a raised brow, making the girl pause her actions. She reered back slowly, holding her cotton swab in mid-air as she looked up at Toji with doe eyes.

"That's true...then do you want me to steal you some sake instead?" (Y/n) asked, "I'm sure your dad has some in his office." As she spoke, her head tilted aside to the Zenin estate, now thinking of ways that she could sneak in. Toji followed her eyes, before shaking his head, realising the risk she would be putting on herself if she went through with it.

"No, that's dumb. Sake was made for drinking." Toji then told the girl, confusing her for a moment.
"But you just said-" Toji cut the girl off before she could continue.
"Just hurry up and finish this, I'm losing patience." Toji then snapped, making. (Y/n) pout. But nonetheless, she continued to dap Toji's lip wound until she was sure that it was covered in gel.

"Can you turn around now? I'll do the big one on your back next, okay?" (Y/n) then asked as she picked up a new cotton swab.
"You don't have to do this, you know." Toji sighed, "I'll heal on my own eventually." This made (Y/n) glare at him venomously.
"Yeah? And what happens when your wound gets infected?" The girl objected sassily. "I'll tell you what happens; you die!" Honestly, (Y/n) wasn't really sure what an infected wound even looked like but she was sure that it wasn't good.

"That's dramatic." Toji scoffed as he turned around, allowing the girl to have access to his back nonetheless. (Y/n) huffed at the man's comment but continued to attend to his would anyway.
"If they keep doing this to you, you will die, Toji." (Y/n) mumbled, now sounding more sad than before.
"It's doesn't matter. I'm leaving soon anyway." Toji grumbled to himself quietly. But even so, (Y/n) heard him.

She whined as she nudged the man's back, dropping her cotton swabs with frustration which made Toji turn to her.
"Could you stop saying that! It's makes me sad!" (Y/n) yelled, making Toji sigh.
"I keep saying it so that you can start taking it more seriously. You keep ignoring it like I'm joking." Toji replied pointedly.

"Because you have to be joking! There's no way you'll leave without me!" (Y/n) argued, her eyes now watering. Toji then paused, not knowing what to say to that. It's not like he didn't want to take her with him. Admittedly, he tried conducting a plan where (Y/n) would be able to join him and live life the way she wanted to. But if she did, she'd lose out on schooling- she'd probably live on the streets with him like a rat for the first few years. She didn't need that.

"You're just a kid, (Y/n)." Toji replied with a sigh, "I can't take you with me." (Y/n) seemed to grow more red with anger with every word Toji spoke.
"I'm not a kid! I'm a grown adult!" The nine year old boasted, holding her head high with pride. Toji couldn't help but laugh at her unwavering confidence.
"Oh yeah? How?" Toji countered.
"W-well..." (Y/n) began, "I can cook...a-and I can clean! And I can do so much other cool stuff that I can't think of right now! So I'm practically already an adult if you really think about it!"

Toji chuckled, finding her pledge and her seriousness amusing. That was until he looked up and found her biting her lip to hold back her tears, wanting to seem strong for him. Crying was something that only a kid would do, right?
"Please don't leave me behind." (Y/n) mumbled, making Toji freeze. Damn. When he did eventually leave, he'd live the rest of his life in guilt, wouldn't he? Toji forced down his guilt with gulp as he patted (Y/n)'s head. He next word came out bitterly- his lies toxic to his tongue.

"I won't."

(A.N ~ Happy new year!)

Chapter 5 Quote Teaser :

"Aren't you too young to be smoking, kid?"

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