Ask Her

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Fatima: What are you sorry for?
Zac: For Savanna you know
Fatima: It's fine we good (she sits down)
Zac: Can I stay with you tonight?
Fatima: No I'm kinda tired
Zac: I asked to stay with you and you ain't gone let me
Fatima: Zac I don't want have sex
Zac: Me either I just want lay with you
Fatima; Fine no sex boi
Zac: Cool with me (he kicks his shoes off and Fatima stripes down to her bra and panties) Really Fatima
Fatima: Mhmm goodnight Zac (she turns the light off and throws her ass on him)
Zac: Goodnight Fatima ass (she burst out laughing and he turns his back on Fatima)
Fatima: So you really not gone Fuck me
Zac: No goodnight
Fatima: Zac baby
Zac: Nope
Fatima: Can we cuddle then?
Zac: No you said no sex you ain't getting no goodies from me baby

The next morning Fatima wakes up and sees Zac snoring she hits him with the pillow.

Fatima: Wake your ass up
Zac: I'm awake
Fatima: Mhmm I'm take a shower join me
Zac: No I'm good on that
Fatima:(takes her bra and panties off) You sure about that?
Zac:(looks at her up and down) I'm sure I got go Ti
Fatima: (she walks over to him) Zac
Zac: Nope you said no sex
Fatima; Last night
Zac:And now I'm saying this morning I got go meet Savanna
Fatima: Okay then (she walks away and Zac watched her)
Zac: Now why you lying (he gets undressed and meets her in the shower)
Fatima: I know you could not deny me again
Zac: No I could not I missed that ass (he smacks her and she smirks)
Fatima: Fuck like you wanted to last night
Zac: No problem (he turns her and slides in hard and rough) Do me a favor
Fatima: Anything daddy?
Zac: Don't ever tell me no sex again (she moans out okay)

A few hours later at the office Fatima gets a call from her mother for lunch she agrees to meet with her.

Fatima:(walks in and Allen walks up) What the hell?
Allen: Hey Fatima
Mona:(walks up to) Hey baby girl
Fatima: I should knew I smelt a set up I'm leaving now
Angela; No your gone hear him out now shit stop being so stubborn Fatima
Fatima; Angela I don't want see him or hear anything he has to say
Allen; You that mad at me Fatima
Fatima; No I just don't want be bothered
Allen: It's that guy ain't it is he that important to you
Fatima: More important then you
Allen; Fine then let him tell you what happened to your sister he knows who killed her (he gets up to leave)
Fatima: Wait what are you saying?
Allen; Nothing just nothing when your ready to talk call me but until then Fuck you
Fatima:(slaps him) How dare you talk to me like that?
Allen: That dick got you moving different
Mona: What's going on here?
Fatima: Nothing he is just jealous next time you want have lunch and include him don't even bother telling me (Fatima leaves and heads to the studio)
Savanna: Hey stranger
Fatima: Don't talk to me
Zac:(walks up) Is there a problem?
Savanna: Your bit....
Zac: No we ain't doing that
Savanna: Oh he likes you cause Zac would let me finish just like I did for lunch (she touched him)
Zac: Stop it
Fatima: Finish what?
Zac: Nothing Fatima go to your office and savanna go home
Savanna: You mean our home
Zac: No I mean yours now go
Savanna: Damn whatever pussy you got I want some too
Zac: Savanna please Fatima don't pay her no mind go to your office
Fatima: I ain't a dog (she looks at him)
Zac: I know that baby please tho for me
Fatima: Only for you
(Fatima looks at savanna and walks away)
Savanna: She is so cute but she ain't better then me you need fire her
Zac; I'm not doing that I want buy you out
Savanna: Never that
Zac: Why not
Savanna: Cause I want you and you know I ain't leaving I had you and that dick first so either deal with it cut her off
Zac: I can't do that
Savanna; You love her don't you
Zac: Savanna we had sex nothing more and a business partnership but I want out now
Savanna: For her no I don't think so either you fire her or break up with her either way I ain't going no where unless you do the to besides she can go work anywhere
Zac: She stays
Savanna: Very well end the situationship or I will tell her about I little secret
Zac: Fuck man
Savanna: You can take it out on me later Zachery (she walks away and Danni walks up)
Danni: Why did you ever get involved with her
Zac: Not today satan
Danni: Fuck you we got a problem
Zac: What?
Danni: Not here office now
(They walk into his office and shut the door)
Zac: What Danni?
Danni: I told Fatima about Aaliyah
Zac:(stands up) What the hell? Why Danni have you lost your mind?
Danni: Calm down you love her don't you and she clearly loves you
Zac: Savanna is helping me hide her ugh this is crazy
Danni; I did it to help you welcome Fatima don't need this job why don't you ask her to marry you
Zac: Danni
Danni; I'm serious ask her

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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