lil character reveals

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So, I was told to make some bfdi characters into the story I was making. Now, they are Canon characters in here, maybe not having lines in there but yeah. The bfdi characters here are balloons and cloudy.

Balloony-waterbug/bee [bug(insect)]

Balcony carries some water object related blood from ancestors and had laid 5 eggs.

Cloudy- none [Bassal(due to no limbs,
power to fly and part of the object acting as hair)

Cloudy had mated with Balloony to make 5 eggs. One of them being Pinwheel. He is a cloud. When angry he becomes a thunderstorm. He has a (idk what it's called in english 😭😭😭please tell me) chongo that acts as hair and usually leaves it that way because when it is realeaed he starts to get mood swings and anxiety. (Please do not ask what warm snow means)

Info yall might not understand BTW

Pinwheel- waterbug/bee [bug(insect)]
(Real name is Penny) she/he female

I'll see if I can add more info that won't spoil anything-

Thermometer- bee [bug(insect)] (G.O)

Face is in liquid. When angry/discomfortded, he becomes "taller" by his face in the liquid rising up. Which is the main reason his antenna is at the top and not directly near his face. Because his face is inside the glass, he does not need to eat to survive. He/him female

Swim cap- fish [aqzi(Silver Pearch)]
(Shelly) she/they (female?)

Her entire family is either an insect or a natural/bassal. But here she is as an aqzi! Since Balloony and cloudy both had aqzi blood in them, they very elastiv and can stretch very easily, her fins compared to Baloonys are gigantic! Maybe to other Aqzi too...

Smile Balloon- none [Bassal(balloon rope tail] she/her female

The rope for her acts as a tail that can be used similar to a monkey tail.

Potion-none[normal] she/her (questioning)

The more liquid she is filled with, the stronger she is. Thus, the aqzi bloodline.

 Thus, the aqzi bloodline

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